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Therim Pasha, Lord of Adras

Pasha Therim Sabaket

Therim Pasha, Lord of Adras
Therim Pasha, Lord of Adras

### Therim Pasha

#### History
Therim Pasha is an ancient vampire, whose existence is lost in the mists of time. Born thousands of years ago, he was originally a human noble from a long-forgotten civilization that lay in the heart of what is now known as the Adras March. During his mortal life, Therim Pasha was a powerful and ruthless leader, but his thirst for power led him to seek immortality. This is how he became a vampire, through a dark ritual practiced by the Lords of Darkness, a sect of ancient vampires.   Therim ruled his land with an iron fist, establishing a regime of terror that lasted centuries. In the end, however, his own subjects rebelled, unleashing a war that culminated in the destruction of his palace, which collapsed and trapped him underground together with his followers. To prevent him from escaping the citizens finished burying the palace and magically sealed it, until he was accidentally freed in 1175 NE by a group of miners. Quickly reasserting himself, Therim Pasha began to rebuild his kingdom, taking control of the city of Adras with the help of his Vampire Coven also known as the Hidden Lords, the secret organization that governs the Free City of Adras today.
#### Character and Personality
Therim Pasha is a dark and fascinating figure, characterized by a calculated coldness and an incredibly sharp mind. He embodies the archetype of the ancient vampire: elegant, mysterious and cruel. Therim is a master of manipulation, capable of weaving intricate webs of deception to achieve his goals. Despite his predatory nature, he displays a charismatic charm that makes him incredibly persuasive, a gift that he uses to control both his allies and his enemies.   Therim is also extremely patient and forward-thinking; he is not one to act on impulse, preferring to plan his moves years, if not centuries, in advance. His only true desire is for absolute power, not only over the city of Adras but over the entire Thalassa Sea region and beyond. However, Therim is also deeply paranoid, aware that his power may be threatened from every angle. This makes him wary and inclined to eliminate anyone who might pose even the slightest threat to his rule.
#### Relationships and Conflicts
Therim Pasha has few real relationships, as he sees most people as pawns to be used for his own purposes. However, his long existence has linked him to numerous figures of power, both in the mortal world and among the creatures of darkness. Within the Coven, he maintains control through a combination of fear and respect. Some of his followers worship him almost like a deity, while others serve him only out of fear of his reprisals.   Therim Pasha's greatest conflict is within the Coven itself. As a vampire thousands of years old, many of the younger vampires see his leadership as archaic and aspire to replace him. ** Lady Selene "The Bloody": **, one of her most trusted allies, is a shadowy figure who some suspect may be plotting to take her place. ** Shaleheart "The Dark Lady of Ice": ** she was Therim Pasha's lover in the long centuries spent underground, but now (perhaps due to Therim's betrayals) she has become his most dangerous enemy.   At the same time, Therim maintains a hidden rivalry with the leaders of the other criminal factions of Adras, such as the Yellow Sails and the most powerful pirate captains, who despite being allies are never entirely under his control.
#### Skills and Powers
As an ancient vampire, Therim Pasha possesses a vast arsenal of supernatural abilities. He is gifted with superhuman strength and speed, making him a deadly opponent in hand-to-hand combat. However, his true power lies in his mental and magical abilities. Therim is a master of **Domination**, a vampiric art that allows him to control the minds of mortals and even other, younger vampires. This ability allows him to maintain near-absolute control over his subordinates and influence political decisions in the city of Adras and beyond.   Additionally, he has an innate connection to **Blood Magic**, which he uses to protect his stronghold and perform complex blood rituals. His body is practically immortal, but he is still vulnerable to traditional vampire weaknesses, such as sunlight and fire, factors that force him to operate primarily at night or in dark places.
  Therim Pasha represents the quintessential vampire lord: a being of immense power, whose existence is entirely dedicated to maintaining and expanding his domain, no matter what the cost.
Thousands Years

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