Diplomatic action
The celebration at the Sobral Embassy to Alfan, in which our beloved Patriarchs will participate: Quesnor of Thalassa, Sendara of Arva and Faridun Shirani of Sardar. The young archbishop Saatine Suntraveller was recalled to her homeland after the scandal that involved her a few months ago.
The Merchant League party will hold a party on the first Melethisdas of the year, ending by celebrating the New Year instead of resting. It is clear that at the League party there will be more talk of business than anything else, but the dinner will be entrusted to the famous chef Elspeth Greenbranch.
The New Year's Eve Party at "The Palace" casino will last three nights and two days straight, enough to put anyone to the test... especially from a monetary point of view!
The Golden Slippers girls will host a party every night, from dusk to dawn.