BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 40

General Summary

27th of Ranger's Scythe - After finishing up brunch, Lilian introduces herself and explains more about her chronomancy studies. After telling her more about our travels, she recommends looking into the Golden Sword for Beska's new story, and to visit the store Cold Silver for runesmithing.   Adeline shows off Juttar and Beska's room where they store some things, before we set off to explore the city. Some basic laws are shared, such as not casting magic on others.   Passing some stalls in the Everlook, Beska purchases a new outfit, while Scribe gets one in the Dragons Hoard.   Moving on, we get to Cold Silver, where the dwarven owner and a customer are arguing over a broken sword. After the customers hired thug starts to get aggressive, Juttar is able to diffuse the situation by pointing out how the way the sword was broken did not make sense.   The dwarf introduces himself as Dumdur Silverlock, a well traveled and learned runesmith. As thanks, he offers Juttar to return the next morning to teach him more about the craft.
Report Date
23 May 2024
Primary Location


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