Secret Agent Someone


The motivation behind building Secret Agent Someone

My motivation for creating all of my songs, worlds, characters, stories, and other creative ideas is the same; I have a huge imagination, and I think of projects bigger than anything I will probably ever be able to fully accomplish within my short and busy life, but I feel that I want to get as much of it out of my brain as I can before it’s too late. That’s why I write, draw, record, talk about, film, and document everything that comes to mind.

The goal of the project

I am sharing my world so that people can learn about my characters and my story. I have also published novels and short stories surrounding this.

Secret Agent Someone's Unique Selling point

My world is set in a modern, present-day Earth. Though there are a few sci-fi elements, there isn't much worldbuilding to be done about the setting. Nevertheless, this world is full of exciting people, secret organizations, suspenseful missions, high-tech gadgets, and nefarious villains.   The main character, only known to the public as Someone Elsewood, never reveals his true name to anyone. He has a strange and lonely past, covering many of his secrets with his on-again-off-again personality that switches between lackluster attitude and apparent lunacy.   There is lots of action, excitement, and romance, but the morals and storyline are deeply rooted deeply in Christian values. Everything I do reflects my faith, and this project is no exception. Nevertheless, it is made for everyone to enjoy regardless of faith, religion, or interest. It is not made to be preachy or anything. But, the morals are clear, the subject is clear, and it is indeed considered faith-friendly.



I feel like the main source of inspiration that can give people the vibes of the project best is, simply, our real world. There are so many walls and gates in media, but my world is more like the real world. It isn't really limited by genre or ingredients on a label. It is a real, living, breathing world with things that happen to characters just like things that happen in real life. Characters have lives. It's up to me to decide who to zoom in on and what part of their life to focus on. I primarily use genres as a guideline for how to present a story. I don't change things to fit a genre, rather showcase or withhold details or fixate on certain themes because of what mood the current piece I'm working on is supposed to have. It's very much like a documentary.   Most of the time, the stories I present have action, drama, romance, and suspense, with a hint of mystery and comedy. Throw in a few (mild?) sci-fi elements, and ther you go. But this, like most of my other projects, can hardly be shoved into a single box.

Reader Experience

The tone of this universe is very much like our own, but Someone brings that air of mystery to it all. He is an intriguing character in the midst of action and suspense. His past, once revealed, is pretty dark, but he lightens his own mood with comic relief. The W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. organization is also full of many secrets.

Reader Tone

This world is probably best described as ours, neutral gray. There are some dark elements, but there are also bright elements. Most of the time, though, they fall somewhere in the middle.   You can compare the feel of it to most modern cop shows or secret agent movies.

Recurring Themes

There are many chases and explosions, undercover missions involving disguises and impersonations, sneaking into secret bases, and thwarting the plans of no-good moguls.

Character Agency

The world is big, just like ours, and each of us have important roles to play and voices we can use to make a difference, yet, we are quite limited to the confines of reasonability and realism.


The main focus is Someone Elsewood himself. We follow him on all his shenanigans, learn of his mysterious past, and are entertained by his crazy antics.
Constance Harbor is Someone's current partner Obligatory Associate. To his dismay, she comes along with him on most of his adventures.
W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. is the spy agency at which they are employed. This company is just as- if not more- secretive than Someone himself.
Other characters who make frequent appearences are Stewart Princely (intern shadowing under Someone), Bruce Machete (ex-partner FORMER OBLIGATORY ASSOCIATE of Someone), Commander McCox (the person to whom Someone directly reports), and even General Rigotto (a Higher-Up who is determined to remove Someone from his current position at W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P.).


Someone Elsewood is very apprehensive about sharing his past, revealing his feelings, and forging attachments. Constance Harbor is set on her quest to solve the enigmatic partner Obligatory Associate she's been assigned to.
W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. as an organization does some questionable things. It is unknown even who is running the agency. Everyone's higher-ups have higher-ups that they know nothing about, and, ultimately, the strings are being pulled by an invisible hand. Most seem to believe that W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. is on the 'good' side, but some of their philosophies, decisions, outlooks, and approaches lead people to question the morality of this strange company. Since they are not tied to any one government or body, they are pretty much free to do (and not do) whatever the heck they want, which is a tad concerning when you think about it.
The world is expansive and every single character has a life and backstory. Some of them have trauma and problems that may never appear on the page, but, as the author, I know each individual intimately.
Mysteries of speecies that may or may not exist are ever-explored by everyone both in-story and out. If said creatures were to exist, what positions they would be in and how they relate to W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. could definitely cause quite a bit of a frenzy.
Overarching rumors of such technology as Time Machinery causes a lot of tension. W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. seems to be of the persuasion that Time Machines do not exist and, if they do, they shouldn't, Many operatives have been dispatched to destroy progress made towards creating them and even confiscate some early prototypes, but it is unknown what the agency is doing with the stolen research.
The conservation issue and the wider world is a a point that comes up a lot in many W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. stories. It is also a topic that I feel passionate about in real life.

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