Secret Agent Someone


The History of Secret Agent Someone so far

Someone Elsewood does not like to share his past, but it is explored in various ways (both direct and abstract). Even throughout the story, there are traces of himself that he simply cannot hide. He also occasionally finds himself divulging but will quickly cover it up with a joke or pretend that he never mentioned anything.   W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. as a company has existed for quite some time, but the exact origins of the organization are unknown, even to most of its operatives and employees. Its far-reaching roots are investigated by all; in-story and out. Still, very little is confirmed though much is speculated.

Current Species & Cultures

Though W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. assures everyone that Humans are the normalcy, it is heavily implied that other species may exist. Despite the company's vigorous efforts to abate any skepticism, theories and suspicions inevitably abound.   HTPMDs are known to exist. There are some experimental Androids and even Enhanced individuals, but it is also thought that beings such as Space Aliens and advanced AI constructs exist in the midst and are integrated into the workings of W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P.. Official statements deny these claims.   C.A.R.s are known AI beings but are thought not to be exactly sentient, even though they are loved by many and sometimes considered a species.

Needs & Relations

Even outside of the company, the existence of cryptid species are not confirmed or denied to exist. W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. does seem to be very devoted to animal, plant, and wildlife conservation efforts, however. The agency takes a lot of inspiration from the natural world, its entire theming being of plants, and many weapons and devices being heavily modeled after animals. Many missions seem to prioritize the importance of taking care of Earth and stopping those whose actions are contributing to its downfall.

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