Earthling Species in Secrets of Sol | World Anvil
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Earthling (Earth-ling)

People of Origin

The original occupants of the Sol system and the origin race for the three Human races.

Basic Information


A Human born on Earth or in the other inhabited regions is similar in form to the Humans of old. The only difference in some is the average height and skin color. For instance, if the human's environment is not completely earth-like, that will affect its appearance.  A Human born on a small world with little light may grow taller due to the lower gravity and pailer due to the lack of light.

Growth Rate & Stages

They reach adulthood in their later teenage years. Humans usually begin to deteriorate after about a century.




Earthlings tend to be on average 5ft to 6 1/2ft in height. Their weight averages around 140lbs - 250lbs.  


Earthling walking speed is 30 feet.  


-Pathogen Resistance-

In recent decades due to extreme conditions on earth and being subjected to deadly attacks from artificial diseases Earthlings have rapidly evolved a more extreme immune system. This results in a resistance to biological attacks or resistance to Pathogen Damage.  

Easy Fix

The hardship of Earth has made humans much more self-reliant on their own bodies. This has translated into a faster regeneration of health for Earthlings. Anytime an Earthling receives healing they get an additional d4 of hit points.  


Moterran - A language with a mixed history from the people of Earth, it has since spread to the moon and throughout.
Interlang - The common tongue.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Sapien Terra
200 Standard years


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