Filtman Species in Secrets of Sol | World Anvil
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Filtman (Fil-t-Min)

People of the Sky

A Human offshoot that became accustomed to the environments on Venus. Filtman gene scientists are almost fanatic in their methods of adapting human genetics. Due to centuries of trial and error, their form is well suited for thriving on Venus.

Basic Information


Traditional Filtman have an additional organ that in simple terms is able to take advantage of the oxygen in molecules such as carbon dioxide and enable normal breathing in most earthlike environment. Most Filtman don't achieve this ability till adulthood.

Genetics and Reproduction

Filtman are capable of reproducing children traditionally with every human-based faction.  Though the faction traditional tends to grow their children outside the womb in reproductive vats.

Growth Rate & Stages

Filtman mature at a rate similar to Earthlings. However they stay in their prime till the age of 250 on average. The oldest living Filtman was recorded to reach 325.

Ecology and Habitats

Though a Filtman can live optimally in the upper atmosphere of Venus they can also live in an Earth-like environment well enough.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Filtman genetic enhancements require a lot of energy to maintain, and as a result, Filtman have an additional meal everyday called Brunch.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Depends where they grow up. But the traditionist Filtman society relies on their scientific leaders to lead them in a very calculated method.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Filtman can be found on all worlds and space stations in the Sol system. But the largest population of them is located on Venus. They tend to stay in their own communities when not on Venus.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Filtman can perceive the world around them in the same form as Earthlings.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Though the traditional cultural perspective is very conservative and would not encourage Filtman to have relations with other human factions there is no biological barrier stopping a Filtman from having a relationship with other humans. 
The traditionalist view comes from the faction's old regime seeking a "perfect human" through careful genetic modification and breeding. This belief has intertwined itself with prejudice ideals held by more extreme traditional Filtman.

Faction Traits


Venusians are on average the same height as Earthlings. They average somewhere around 6 feet in height and weigh around 200 pounds.  


Venusian walking speed is 30 feet.  

Damage Resistances

-Toxin Resistant-

Due to Filtman modification, they have adapted to better resist toxins. They receive damage resistance to Toxic damage.  

Hardy Organics

Filtman are extremely resilient. Once per round, when you use the Brace Reaction, you add 1d4 to the roll. 


Erovic - The common tongue of those who trace their heritage to Venus.
Interlang - The common tongue.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
300 Standard years
Average Height
5'9-6ft / 1.7-1.8 meters
Average Weight
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Varies drastically, but for the Filtman who grow up on Venus their pigment does tend to look paler. The continuous cloud cover of the golden Venusian sky blocks out a lot of natural light.


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