Amerei Gemcutter

Amerei Gemcutter (a.k.a. Ammy)

It isn't easy being a growing woman, and Amerei Gemcutter in particular doesn't know what she'll grow into. Her twelve short years in this world have been characterised by uncertainty, delinquency, and resentfulness. As the second bastard daughter of the ever-hedonistic Lady Marissa Gemfire and a half-breed between human and elf, Amerei finds herself simultaneously part of and excluded from numerous groups: humans and elves, nobles and commoners, dutiful and rebellious.   She enjoys life within Castle Gemfire as an acknowledged child of her lady, but unfortunately has the bedroom next to her mother's. As such, the girl regularly suffers from sleeping problems due to hearing her mother indulging herself carnally. This, along with Lady Marissa's general neglect and coyness regarding her father's identity, has led Amerei to grow resentful and rebellious.   To make matters worse, her older half-sister, Myrtle Gemcutter, is not only the heir apparent, but also was introduced to her father around Amerei's age, is beloved by the population, and in general does a better job at being a lady at age sixteen than Marissa does at thirty-two. Myrtle's apparent perfection only enrages Amerei further, especially when Myrtle is too kind to Amerei to be hated in earnest.   Her regular escapades and pranks have not gone unnoticed. One knight of the Gemfire guard, Seamus Whitewood, has taken it upon himself to discipline the girl in the absence of an invested mother, while Wisdom Yugen of Parakos considers adopting her to be fine way to take an apparent 'burden' from Lady Gemfire and simultaneously form a diplomatic bridge between Parakos and the Rainbow Fort.   All of these pressures are starting to pull this young woman apart, and if life doesn't change for her soon, she's likely to lash out in her own clumsy, ineffectual way...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As a developing girl, Amerei is currently lanky and scrawny, with a chubby face but a not-so-chubby body. As she's an elf-human hybrid, the precise nature of when and how she'll change is largely unknown. She's a dark brown due to her elven half being dark, and has constrasting golden hair and striking crimson eyes. Her ears are slightly pointed.   She's left-handed, and tends to wield items that reflect that. She prefers dark clothing and warm cloaks, owing to the Rainbow Fort being the coldest city in Arkhera. Underneath her cloaks she wears boyish clothes, and her hair is similarly short and boyish.


Contacts & Relations

Sir Seamus Whitewood (disciplinarian, uncle figure)
Wisdom Yugen of Parakos (attempted adopter)

Family Ties

Religious Views

Amerei doesn't believe in any gods and thinks religion is for idiots. Despite this, she still occasionally prays to Chromatus in times of stress.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
539 AGA 12 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Rainbow Fort
Current Residence
Rainbow Fort
Golden blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark olive-brown
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common Tongue


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