Komekk Axol

Prince Komekk Axol (a.k.a. Sarcet)

Forever searching for the perfect fight, Komekk Axol is a brute masquerading as a person of culture. Raised a second son of Sir Vargax Axol and half a commoner, Komekk was not destined to inherit his father's lands, and despite his family's history as advisors and politicians within the Arkheran capital of Deathsport, Komekk's talents lay in one kind of diplomacy; bloodshed.   He was an exceptional fighter from an early age, capable of both dishing out damage and trash-talking opponents to the point where they'd be undone by their own frustration. He would regularly welcome attacks if it enabled him to have a satisfying brawl, regularly getting in punch-ups that got him in trouble with his father.   At his wit's end, Sir Vargax sent his mad dog of a second son to the barracks to train as a soldier, and quickly, it became clear what Komekk excelled at; inciting people to risk their lives in risky acts of violence. As such, he rose through the ranks, first with skill as an ambidextrous fighter, then his remarkable ability to frustrate people as a drill sergeant, and finally, as a commander who could boost his troops' morale through sheer hatred of the enemy.   His ruthlessness as both a fighter and commander on the battlefield mellowed Komekk off it, leading to a man who was extremely approachable and friendly when met in a tavern after a long day's training. It was here, as Lieutenant of Deathsport's Forward Line, that he met Prince Landon Shearwater. He'd never concerned himself with politicians, yet he'd seen this man fighting the front lines despite his less-than-brilliant fighting prowess. For such an important heir, he didn't seem to have much concern for his life.   His curiosity led to sparking up a conversation, and when Landon unloaded the burden that was his tragic life, Komekk suggested a solution; hitting him as hard as he could. The depressed human steadily came out of his misery and channeled his frustration against the fate that stole his daughter and wife from him, hitting Komekk as though he were the universe himself. From that point onwards, Komekk promised Landon that he wouldn't die on his watch, and that even if he wants to die, Komekk wouldn't let him.   The pair would go on tours of duty about the kingdom, bringing the king's protection to raider-beset villages in the day and indulging themselves at night, Landon occasionally coping with women, but whenever he encouraged Komekk to do the same, the topic became uncomfortable. Komekk had never found beauty in women, and the one time he humoured Landon's request, he was participating in a mostly-male orgy centred around the Rainbow Fort's hedonistic heiress, Marissa Gemfire.   The military tours continued, and one repulsion of tribal raiders north of Deathsport, near the Divine Halls, led Komekk to staying in the high-elf-run city and meeting Arwyn Werenthos, the Divine Halls' heir. Though he didn't strike him as exceptional, he did remark upon something most men didn't; how attractive Komekk's body was. The two young men soon figured out they were both inverted, and taking a chance they may not have again, they made love at a cheap inn where their high-class friends wouldn't find them. This fling quickly became a proper relationship, though Komekk is still somewhat unwilling to make the relationship monogamous, owing to his new-found strategy of flirting with his trainees to rile them up further.   Later on, in the year 547, Landon would suffer a near-fatal injury driving off raiders. Komekk was convinced he was dead due to personally seeing the prince's ravaged chest, however the Divine Halls' wisdom, Serella Senheil, healed him, much to Komekk's relief. However, the drinking buddy he had was gone forever, a new seriousness taking over the man he'd grown to love as a brother. Less than a year later, Landon ascended, and despite the recent awkwardness in their relationship, Landon appointed Komekk, the man he always saw inspiring his troops, as his first in line, with his saviour, Serella, behind him.   Despite his new, exalted position, Komekk misses the days of carefree brawling and glaive-based negotiations, often skipping briefings and council meetings to return to the barracks where he feels most at home. His disdain for politics often makes him a refreshingly honest member of the Royal Court, but just as often makes him vocal on matters he knows nothing about.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Komekk is a burly dark elf with broad shoulders, a muscle-rippled body, thick, powerful legs, and arms that can punch clean through wood. He has a broken nose and multiple missing teeth replaced with silver and gold prosthetics, due to all the fights he's got into. On his chest is a tattoo-like birthmark of a deer's skull, which appears to shift depending on the angle it's perceived.   He has red hair and red eyes, and wears a variety of clothes depending on the situation. In court, he's wont to wear lounge yukatas of blue and scarlet, but he's most comfortable in his battle regalia, heavy plate armour customised to accomodate for his ambidextrous fighting style. As high executioner, he wears a black cowl over black robes.


Contacts & Relations

Lord El'arwyn Werenthos (friend and lover)
King Landon Shearwater (best friend and employer)
Captain Veraxes (fellow military commander)
Princess Serella Senheil (fellow heir to the throne)
Royal Advisor Quira Abraxas (coworker)
Royal Wisdom Robb Stagg (coworker)
Royal Looking Glass Tei Fel'thuz (coworker)
'Imaginary Uncle' (recurring hallucinatory voice/possible godly associate)

Family Ties

Religious Views

Komekk Axol doesn't seem to care about religion one way or another, though he regularly speaks of somebody he calls his 'imaginary uncle'. This 'imaginary uncle' influenced him to take up the role of royal executioner as a way to productively sate his bloodlust, as well as helping him in battle and incorporating his deer skull birthmark into his personal sigil. While the voice is strikingly real to him, Komekk writes him off as the result of one too many blows to the head. Despite this, he generally considers the voice to know what's best for him, akin to an intelligent inner voice.


True Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince of the Royal Electorate of Arkhera
High Commander of the Royal Electorate's Infantry
High Executioner of the King's Justice
Year of Birth
518 AGA 33 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
Copper Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Charcoal Black
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common Tongue


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