Human-Elf Hybrid

Despite no one culture belonging to this particular hybrid, almost any culture which has both humans and elves will have hybrids of the two. This is because to each other, humans and elves have their own exotic appeal. Humans are rugged and appeal to the odd elves that are into body hair, while elves are youthful and toned, thus appealing to humans into thin women and pretty boys.   The result is that sparsely, elf-human hybrids populate numerous lands. Their presence is limited in most hereditary organisations due to their general valuing of blood/racial purity, but they are to be expected, if considered a little odd, in most parts of the world.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Human-elf hybrids tend to have soft, youthful faces with smaller features, as their nose stop growing over time in adulthood, unlike humans. Their ears are slight pointed but not to the extent of pure elves.

Average Intelligence

Like their origins, human-elf hybrids are sapient, empathetic, and also corruptible by the Thread.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

There is no set naming tradition for human-elf hybrids, owing to all the potential cultures that one could hybridise in the conception of one.

Major Organizations

High Kingdom of Nu (Nu, only the crown prince's children)

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

As the existence of human-elf hybrids are scattered about, generally in non-noble, none-widespread circumstances, there's no set issues between them and other species that wouldn't apply to any other hybrid. It depends on whether hybridisation is frowned upon or celebrated.
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens pulchris
Kakajuan Humanoid
70-120 years
Average Height
5'4'' to 6'8''
Average Physique
Human-Elf hybrids tend to be more rugged and shapely than elves but taller and slimmer than most humans. They tend to retain puppy fat and youth longer than human while more noticeably ageing than elves.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Colouration in elf-human hybrids is incredibly variable, as both humans and elves have all manner of skin tone and hair/eye colouration.

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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