Luxifros of Tertia

Grand Ascendant Luxifros (a.k.a. Darvith, Lucy)

Born to the name of Luxifros, Old Galdusian for 'Holy Light', it was all but guaranteed that the sinchild known as Darvith would rise to prominence. Starting his life in the outer city of the original Tertia at the height of the Golden Galdusian Empire, his parents initially cared for him as most would, before, due to an influence Luxifros didn't yet know he had, they would come to fear and resent their son. Suddenly desperate to raise their status in a world that despised those who chose to breed rather than ascend, Lucious and Corea of Tertia would abandon their child in his residential block while they partook in a joint ascension ritual, becoming a powerful merged being known as 'Lucora'.   Luxifros did not resent his parents; every person he came across appeared to be conceited, arrogant, intensely driven to acquire their spurious dreams and unafraid to stamp down anyone in their way. He would quietly whittle his time away eating fungal packages while his entire sector steadily maddened, emptying itself as more and more breeders opted for eternity at the cost of future generations. When Emperor Audacium Aeternus visited the sector to investigate the conspicuous lack of breeders, he would discover Luxifros, alone, unwilling to speak, and seemingly the last flesh-and-blood being still alive in the sector.   Emperor Aeternus investigated the child, and soon came to realise that he had a god associated with him, but it did not appear to be one of the Old Four Galdusian studies had proven to exist. He decided to take the child in for further study, only to find that each inquisitor he placed in charge of the boy would soon begin pondering why they were subservient to the Emperor, found themselves demanding more for their services, and in some cases, even attempted to overthrow their emperor to futile effect.   As the years passed and futile studies continued, Luxifros completed a study of his own; understanding the nature of his own powers. His simple pyromancy was one thing, but his true power as he could understand it was a passive miasma that affected all who came close. It induced disturbingly compelling self-pride which manifested in the form of recklessness, arrogance, insubordination and selfishness.This realisation invoked a further change; a voice appeared within his head, calling himself the Sovereign.   He explained that Luxifros's soul-name was Darvith, one of seven beings in the world to embody a certain vice, whose goal was to ensure as many people as possible pursued actions consistent with pride, eventually dying in sin and thus having no choice but to be part of the underworld. The pieces finally fit together, and Luxifros, being exposed to senseless pride his entire life, wanted to corrupt the world for his own ethos; the belief that everyone was foolish, ignorant, pointlessly cruel and shallow. With this knowledge, he would turn to his latest inquisitor at the age of fifteen, with an offer: He would explain everything if he could tell the truth directly to Emperor Aeternus.   With a deliberate handle on his powers, Luxifros didn't need long to talk Emperor Aeternus into not merely settling for the united Galdusian double-continent his empire currently consisted of; instead, he should branch out to the various isles and archipelagos of the world. In the end, he didn't even need to fully explain his powers or his god; Aeternus was already willing to be convinced of his own greatness, so a simple lie that he was sent by a 'lesser god' to ensure Galdus's greatness was enough to end the line of inquisition.   As such, he was promoted to Grand Imperial Consigliere while also convincing Aeternus to kill the previous one as a mere test of his powers' extent, and under his rule, the Golden Galdusian Empire grew ever overstretched, much more likely to fall apart under its own proud weight. A glorious fall was imminent, and ironically enough, the threat would grow not from the numerous recently angered nations who'd been taken over in his tenure, but the very-much-established Galdusian city of Demidium.   Albedo of Demidium, an escaped chaos-speaker, had caused quite the domestic stir, and with a historical lack of breeders to produce new future ascendants along with troops being thinned out maintaining Ilazar, Arkhera, and their Ameristian freeholds, the damage was already done and Albedo had already escaped before he could be brought to justice. Later on, their meagre forces in Ilazar would be cleared out by this same Albedo, and while Luxifros knew it was his own deliberate plotting that allowed such folly to occur, Emperor Aeternus was convinced that the problems weren't with the Golden Galdusian Empire, but the existence of imperfection.   His standards would grow increasingly draconian, greater swaths of artisan-crafted architecture got replaced with overly smooth, standardised magitech-assisted towers, and in general, death of any vision but Aeternus's own spread through Sula, and later Nortez, like a cancer. Darvith, having already learnt of the Golden Galdusian Empire's status as an attempt for the Rakh'norv, the God of Order, to create the ideal mortal culture, had now successfully transformed the laughable god's beloved culture into a caricature. He ascended himself and bought himself the time necessary to watch Galdus collapse around himself, albeit with resistance from his godly father.   In one of his many discussions with the Sovereign, he asked of the other sinchildren, and came to learn that Albedo of Demidium, the fellow currently hiding out in Ilazar, was a sinchild too. It was then that a dastardly idea formed in Darvith's wispy being, and he, as consigliere, promised anyone who killed somebody close to Albedo of Demidium governorship over an entire sector of Tertia. Inevitably, would-be assassins charged to Ilazar to earn their sector, and predictably, this led to an enraged Albedo returning to Galdus, having fully embraced his identity as Andros, Sinchild of Wrath, increasingly being known by the title 'Plague Emperor'. Worse still, he came armed with devices crafted by the Sovereign himself, designed to kill ascendants such as Darvith.   Piece by piece, the Golden Galdusian Empire fell, until all cities but Tertia were controlled by Andros and his Plague Empire. While Darvith struggled to conceal his excitement and delight, his emperor grew panicked, and in his quest for complete order, directly begged the Rakh'norv for assistance. He asked for a form powerful enough to withstand even a soulstealer, one so inert and orderly that none could move it. The Rakh'norv granted Aeternus his request, and transformed the former emperor into a column of pure, crystallised arcana that was part of the very foundations of Tertia's citadel. The emperor was stuck in one spot, and with that, Darvith took his leave, telling all his surrounding ascendants that without an emperor and without an empire, they were free to take what they will then abandon Tertia.   Darvith watched the resultant razing of Tertia from a distance, while quietly plotting to create a repeat performance of the Galdusian experiment; one with even more futile hope, a more laughable expression of ego. It was as the old saying went; every event in history happened twice, the first time a tragedy and the second a farce. He would patiently wait through decades for the newly-established Plague Empire to inevitably implode, excitedly wondering how disgusting Andros looked in his final moments.   Once it was safe to, he rebuilt Tertia within the wilderlands, nabbing materials from the ruins of the original, occasionally seeing the crystalline column that once thought he controlled Darvith in transit. He would name the city Nova Tertia, and redub the ruins he'd harvested Ante Tertia, then went about influencing the ascendants of Sula to join him. At first, this was a less literal term, but he eventually discovered the ultimate means of proving somebody's short-sighted pride and vanity; by offering them a piece of unlimited power, all at the cost of their individuality.   At first, only the gullible were fooled, but as Darvith absorbed and enthralled more, incorporating them into his ascended body, his self-evident power became more enticing to the surrounding Sulari. Eventually, he was great and powerful enough to convince the orphaned cities of Demidium and Moneri to reestablish connections with each other and his new Tertia, reforming the continent of Sula as a united continent. His attempts to do the same with Nortez, however, proved futile, owing to the lingering Ilazari and Elarondian influences on the northern continent causing them to prove resistant to a ploy to 'make Galdus great again'.   Batted away, Darvith opted to consolidate his own power within Sula as the de facto emperor of the Galdusian Freehold of Sula, stabilising it and establishing a steady set of trades in magitech production, human farming, and perfection of the ascension technique. Unable to overpower Nortez by pride manipulation alone, he's also influenced the people of his nation to form a lower-class, primarily breeder-based paramilitia known as the Sons of Sula, an especially potent force intent on counteracting contemporary Yukishiman influence on the Northern continent.   Now, he stands as a great gaseous monstrosity occupying the city-sized citadel within the newest Galdusian megalopolis: Nova Tertia. Within him are souls beyond count, all so enamoured with the prospect of being part of the world's most powerful ascendant that they fail to understand the individuality they're trading away. These souls in turn are destined to serve as what Darvith hopes to be the largest single immigration into the underworld at once, that is, when his millennia-long feast of pride finally ends.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Luxifros is a towering pillar of arcane gas, with myriad glowing embers within himself. The ember colours correspond to each ascendant he's absorbed throughout the years, so he is a multicoloured, roiling column-like cloud, whose overall shape is variable to his whims. While most ascendants cover their gaseous bodies with cloth or armour to give themselves form, Luxifros is happy to use torn-off, redundant pieces of the Nova Tertia Citadel itself to give his body a solid form.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Contacts & Relations

Inquisitor Armandus (subordinate)
Gatekeeper Lumenus (subordinate)
Count Anvus Aurelion (vassal)
Count Asteri Primerus (vassal)

Family Ties

Religious Views

As a long since self aware sinchild, Darvith believes that the only standard that matters is individual achievement, and considers each of the souls who foolishly sought greatness by amalgamating with him to be deserving of their ultimate fate as his personal playthings in the underworld, once he finally dies. He's aware of the Rakh'norv and considers it a hilariously naive creature, he considers the Rakh'vash to be the embodiment of primal stupidity, and indeed the only god he doesn't appear to hold in mocking contempt would be his spiritual father, the Sovereign.
Neutral Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Grand Ascendant of the Sulari Freehold
Governor of Nova Tertia
Sinchild of Pride
Grand Imperial Consigliere (formerly)
Year of Birth
4499 BGA 5050 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
Nova Tertia Citadel
Formerly green, since ascension multitudinous
Formerly brown, non-applicable now
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Formerly pale white, non-applicable now
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Old Galdusian
Common Tongue


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