Rakh Fel'thuz

Count Rakh Fel'thuz

Count Rakh Fel'thuz is the advisor and in a duumrivate with Wisdom Erwyn Yagaska, the de facto ruler of the City of Moonstone. Despite this, his hands are persistently tied by the needs of his fellow councillors, the absurd whims of the official ruler of Moonstone, Lady Selenia, the balancing act that is diplomacy, and, of course, not disobeying King Landon Shearwater's laws.   He was born to the sibling-spouses Count Rani Fel'thuz and Countess Terreza Fel'thuz around three years after his older sister, Razarkha. He was once a meek, unconfrontational boy who unquestioningly accepted all advise doled out by his father. He also accepted his duty as heir to Moonstone, including the stipulation that meant he had to marry his older sister.   Despite this, his relationship with Razarkha was consistently troubled due to her bullying nature, and once Tei, his younger sister, was born, this escalated. He found himself protecting his little sister time and time again, and thus increasingly butting heads with Razarkha.   This trained him to become more comfortable in confrontations, and ultimately thriving in his marriage the most when he was arguing with his sister wife. Despite this, one of his many childhood scraps with his big sister led to a persistent phobia; the fear of stairs, due to Razarkha shoving him down the stairs to 'make him stronger'.   At sixteen he married his despised older sister, and continued protecting his little sister, all while miscarriage after miscarriage plagued their union. One night, Razarkha was particularly vicious to Tei, mocking her deformities and height, telling her that she would never be seen as loveable.   Rakh comforted Tei afterwards, and due to a mixture of genuine fondness, lack of Westermark Effect from his inbred nature, and shared misery, they would go on to have sex. This union conceived Rakh's eldest and only confirmed bastard, Rarakhi. Upon learning about Tei's pregnancy, he feared Razarkha would kill her and the child if she found out, so he desperately trained his illusionism so it could muffle sound. In a conspiracy between himself, Erwyn and Tei, Rarakhi was secretly birthed and without his knowledge,spirited away to an orphanage known as Defence Against Acedia.   Tei disappeared along with Rarakhi to somewhere he and Razarkha alike didn't know, and so once again, Rakh was alone with his mad older sister. Together, they agreed their marriage was a miserable, unsalvageable mess, so agreed upon mutual infidelity being acceptable. To cope with Tei's disappearance and the banishment of his only son, he hid himself within tavern parties and beautiful women of all races, taking advantage of his illusionism and superficial charm to amass lovers like alcoholics amass empty bottles.   Recently, tensions in his marriage came to a head, and he fought Razarkha in a non-fatal honour duel. However, Razarkha attempted to kill him, so he exiled her, stopping short of having her executed.   With her gone, Erwyn revealed the whereabouts of Rarakhi, and in his attempts to reconnect with his son, he found out the boy had long since abandoned his orphanage to enter a life of crime as part of the criminal branch of the House of Khanas.   In the process of reconnecting, he has served Plutyn Khanas, cleared his city catacombs of a daemonic behemoth and lost his hand in the process, and even granted Khanas a position as Minister of Crime, turning the necromancer's skills as a blackmailer to good use as a legitimate crime fighter.   Lately, his primary goal has been to prepare Moonstone and the Forests of Winter for Razarkha's return, as he's found out she's acquired a dread magical weapon known as a soulstealer.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rakh is a tad muscular for a spellbinder, which translates to lean and toned by human standards. He's also short by spellbinder standards, and has a slightly shorter tail than expected. He wears his hair in a long fringe that covers a single eye, and dyes select highlights purple. He also marks his undereyes with black makeup, so as to emphasise his magic usage eye bags.   He prefers to wear black, long coats with fluffy shoulders and cuffs, and underneath wears tight shorts and trousers. His right hand is a wooden prosthetic following a daemon hunting accident. Though he rarely wears it, he is in possession of an opal rabbit-shaped marriage pendant with ruby eyes that he wears on formal occasions.


Contacts & Relations

Lady Kag'nemera (Kagura) Selenia (Overlady)
Wisdom Erwyn Yagaska (Wisdom)
Minister of Criminal Affairs Plutyn Khanas (Associate)
Plutera Khanas (prospective daughter in law)

Family Ties

Religious Views

Rakh is officially an Eternalist, but is rarely practicing and holds Moonstone's Eternalist clergy in contempt. For the most part his attitude is secular despite saying a very monotheistic 'oh god' when shocked.


True Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Advisor-Count of Moonstone
Year of Birth
515 AGA 36 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Noble (Minor)
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common Tongue
Old Galdusian
Yukishiman (Basic)


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