Rarakhi Fel'thuz

Rarakhi Fel'thuz (a.k.a. Rara, the Underground Ghost)

Rarakhi Fel'thuz (formerly unrecognised and illegitimate) is the bastard son of Rakh Fel'thuz and his younger sister, Tei. Raised in the Defiance Against Acedia orphanage in the run-down parts of Moonstone without his father's knowledge, Rarakhi was quick to use his hereditary illusionism to carve out his own path in life.   At the age of twelve, he escaped the orphanage and joined the criminal branch of the Khanas family run by Plutyn Khanas. Within this organisation, he ran multiple busts on rival gangs' hideouts and assassinations on gang higher-ups, as well as good old fashioned espionage. While adept at cloaking and projection, Rarakhi's magic, like his Aunt Razarkha's, fails in sound manipulation. Hence, his disguise and espionage missions rely solely on his ability to put on voices. His job also brought him love, as he fell for and subsequently charmed the similarly-aged daughter of his boss, Plutera. Plutyn appears to be supportive of this relationship.   During his career as a general gang disruption unit, his father, Rakh, expressed an interest in connecting with him following the exile of his Aunt Razarkha, and while initially unwilling, witnessing the lengths Rakh would go to repay Plutyn for the mere opportunity to meet his son, he gained a begrudging respect for his father. He has since become legitimised, which has enticed Plutyn Khanas to write up a betrothal, securing his daughter's place as the future Countess Fel'thuz.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rarakhi has a thin body, like most spellbinders, and a slightly shorter than average tail. His hair is black, like most Fel'thuz family members, overgrown and scraggly. He has teal eyes, much unlike his father's crimson, but otherwise is a dead ringer for his father.   He tends to wear a simple, practical coat for the cold weather of his home city, and most of his clothes are dull, due to him lacking the money for fancy, colourful garb.


Contacts & Relations

Minister of Criminal Affairs Plutyn Khanas (Boss, likely father in law)
Plutera Khanas (Lover and coworker)
Wisdom Erwyn Yagaska (regular visitor at Defence Against Acedia)
Sergeant-at-Arms Yal'furax (friend and attempted religious recruiter for the Order of the Shade)

Family Ties

Religious Views

Rarakhi has no strong opinions on the gods, but certainly doesn't trust the Eternalist clergy running most people's spiritual matters in Moonstone, due to the network of catacombs he himself uses for criminal work leading to the underbelly of the Church of Eternity.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
538 AGA 13 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common Tongue


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