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Eradrin is the god of wind and storms. He revels in being feared more than being praised, and visits terrible destruction upon those who don't appease him.  


Eradrin appears in the form of a storm giant. Easily 26 feet tall, he looms over his surroundings just like an oncoming storm would. He has pale blue skin, dark green eyes, and dark blue hair. He adorns himself in enormous scale mail armor and flowing regal robes, and he wields terrifying wind and lightning in each hand. He is most frequently seen in the midst of powerful storms of his own creation, hair blowing wildly as he rains descruction down around him.  


Eradrin delights in being feared, and is most often cheerful and calm so long as this status quo is maintained. When roused from his relaxed state, he is quick to enter a rage, conjuring rain, wind, and lightning to vent his frustration on whoever dared to cross him.  


Eradrin mostly keeps to himself, satisfied with the fear and respect he receives from mortals. Over the winter season he sometimes combines his powers with Alsus to create deadly winter storms when he feels he is not being feared enough.  

Places of Worship

Storm Lord
Divine Classification
lesser deity
spiraling wind
chaotic evil
Typical Followers


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