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Lorcam Sunstrike

Lorcam Sunstrike was arguably the most powerful wizard in Shudan since The Hotsukai. He became the first Inferno of Sukorak.  

Personal History

S167 - Lorcam enters Sukorak, which has been abandoned for nearly a century.
S169 - Powerful wizards come to Sukorak to study under Sunstrike who sees them as followers more than students. He gives them tasks and sends them on errands more than he instructs. One such wizard is Virth Whiteblaze who is a smith by hobby and has a special talent for crafting magical items. Whiteblaze becomes a favorite of Sunstrike.
S199 - Sunstrike still has no interest in teaching, but Whiteblaze begins instructing younger wizards who come to train at Sukorak, including Silia Lai. Never in the past or future is the tower occupied to the capacity that it is now, with young students and older followers of Sunstrike.
S218 - Suntrike dies, leaving the tower to Whiteblaze.
Date of Birth
375 468 93 years old
Noteworthy Students
Virth Whiteblaze
Character Portrait image: by based on work by Nakahara


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