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The title of Inferno is passed from a master, at the time of their death, to their chosen student. The appointment carries with it the ownership and mastery of Sukorak itself.


The Inferno is honor bound to look out for the people of Dokage first and foremost, prioritizing their needs and well being above all else. Sometimes this extends to helping the rest of Shudan, when the threat is sufficient enough to endanger Dokage and beyond. This was epitomized by Silia Lai's efforts to slow the growth of The Fade.

Secondarily, the Inferno teaches students at Sukorak. This education of arcane magic users is imporant to the continued prosperity of Dokage and to ensure that there is a qualified successor to the title of Inferno.

Lastly, the Inferno is the driving force behind most of the magical research in Shudan. Where the prominent schools in Nanganato focus on traditional arcane arts, the Inferno is driven to create new spells and push the limits of what arcane magic can do.


The primary benefit is ownership of Sukorak and all of the magical resources and knowledge contained within. Additionally, Dokage provides for the basic material needs (food and finances) of the Inferno in exchange for the services provided by the Inferno in return.


After The Schism and the decline of the importance of magic in Shudan, students disappeared from Sukorak. The master of the tower at that time, Glan Nightshade, lived and worked in isolation and later died alone. For the first time since the construction of the tower, there was no one to inherit the tower and it sat abandoned for nearly a century.

Despite this it remained a source of great magic and knowledge. Many tried to acquire it for themselves, but lacked the power to do so. That was until the great wizard Lorcam Sunstrike was able to enter and attune himself with the powers of the tower. In doing so he created the title of Inferno for the master of Sukorak and became the first person to hold that title.

Cultural Significance

The Inferno is viewed as not only one of the most powerful wizards in Shudan, but also as the pinacle of forward thinking and pushing the limits of what magic can do. When problems of unknown natures or those which require seemingly impossible solutions arise, the Inferno and their students are the ones called upon to resolve them. Even those who view most wizards as stiff and aloof generally consider the Inferno favorably as a friend of the common people.
Magical, Honorific
First Holder
Current Holders
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