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Silia Lai

Silia was a devout worshipper of Arashiki, the third Inferno of Sukorak, and Regent of Dokage between S231 and S264.  

Personal History

Silia was born into the Lai family in Shiama Kou in the year S185. By now Lorcam Sunstrike had reopened Sukorak and began accepting students to train with him. Many parents were eager to send magically gifted children to study and bring recognition to their family. The Lai family, being no exception, sent Silia on her 14th birthday in S199.   As it turned out, Lorcam was more interested in collecting powerful followers than he was in teaching young children. Instead, Silia and many of the younger students studied under Virth Whiteblaze, who was a personal favorite of Lorcam. Virth was equally gifted with the arcane and the forge, and instilled a love of creation in all of his students. Instead of learning the raw power that Lorcam was known for, Silia became fascinated with creating new and useful things like Virth. She never mastered the forge like he did, but she did end up picking up the art of enchanting bricks and clay from a younger student named Koba.   As she grew and continued to study, she came to resent Lorcam's selfish pursuit of power for it's own sake. She instead believed that power was only meaningful if it served a purpose, and believed collaborating with others was the best way to discover and achieve such purpose.   In S218 Lorcam died and left the tower to Virth, who in turn left the tower to Silia in S231.   Silia initially focused her efforts on the creation of twinned books which allowed one book to instantly show anything that was written in its twin, even over a great distance. In S232 she completed two pairs of these books. She named the first pair The Sword, and she gifted one copy to Hatomi Remingale, the current Eastwind in Zonyashi. She named the second pair The Staff, and she gifted a copy to Mitsui Atsutane, the Regent of Nanganato and Daimyo of the Southern Province.   Around this time, Mythea of the Cobalt Scar arrived at Sukorak and spent many months there studying with Silia and discussing The Fade. In S233 Silia completed a third pair of twinned books, which she named The Road. She gifted a copy to Mythea, who then departed to travel and try to map the exact extent of the Fade.   By this time the last of Virth's students had moved on, and Silia had not began recruiting her own yet, so the tower was largely empty. In S234 she completed her fourth and final pair of twinned books, naming them The Peak and keeping both for herself.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
Date of Death
12th of the Moon of Sewing, S264
441 520 79 years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
One step backward, two steps forward
Virth Whiteblaze
Noteworthy Students
Eden Morningfire
Mitsugu Atsutane
Seto Crestkeeper
Jin Razzar


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