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Originally called Aoi no Minato (blue harbor in Shudani) by the first residents. When the Li Qu moved into the area they pronounced it closer to Ahonominato, which was shortened over time to Ahonato.   With more than 7,000 residents, Ahonato is technically the largest city in the Eastern Province, although it partially spills into the Southern Province as well.  


Ahonato was founded in the Eastern Province, which is traditionally managed by the Hisashi Clan. Over time the city grew to include two large bridges across the Mottagawa and expanded into the Southern Province, prompting the Hisashi clan to move their seat of power from Ahonato to Honomin Kou in S190.   The current Regent is Shotaro Hisashi. Although the clan still oversees the city superficially, day to day operations actually fall to the powerful guilds of the city.  

Peacekeeping & Military

Shortly after the Hisashi clan moved its main seat of power to Honomin Kou, it became harder and harder for them to maintain control of Ahonato. Now they pay the Iron Guild to serve as the peacekeepers within the city, a group which mainly employs rag tag mercenaries and thugs.
Location under


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