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Shining Lady Luck

The front doors are open from highsun to midnight every day, and always closely attended by a two or more menancing looking bouncers. The cover charge to enter is 5 gold per person. The bouncers will warn patrons that the place is not appropriate for minors, but won't outright stop them as long as they are accompanied by adults.   What looks like a two story building from the outside is actually one very large open floor on the inside. Most of the building is dedicated to a single large open room. In the very center of the open floor is a twelve foot tall statue of a woman with long flowing hair and an eloquent dress with arms raised and open in welcome. The entire statue is made of silver, but the dress in particular glitters and shimmers as it is covered with hundreds of shiny gemstones. This is one artist's depiction of Lotz, the Lady Luck herself.   Scattered throughout the rest of the room are a handful of tables, each hosting their own games. The games played in this establishment don't rely on skill of any kind, emphasizing the purity of luck, which blesses relatively few since the games are all skewed in favor of the house.   Most patrons consider this a social outing, and actually arrive expecting to lose money. The rare few who win treat it as a blessing rather than an expectation. To make up for some of this expense, food and drink is free for anyone inside, and servers wander the floor offering them to anyone who is interested.   In the back are a handful of private rooms that serve as offices and storage for the establishment.
Parent Location
Owner / Operator
Iesada Silvermane
Aanke's Run
Dragon Slayer
Lady's Favor


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