DXM-11 Fury

The DXM-11 Fury is a combat Dextra manufactured by Dexterity Corporation. It continued DexCorp's trend of pushing the envelope of what their machines could do. It is the current standard infantry unit of the Planetary Liberation Union. It is also the standard by which all modern Dextra are compared against.   Like the DXM-9 Argus, DexCorp also designed variant models for the Fury, of which the DXM-11H Fury Heavy has seen the most widespread deployment. The Fury Heavy decks out the Dextra with additional armor and rocket pods, as well as adding a shoulder mounted beam cannon and a shoulder mounted gatling gun.
DXM-11 Fury
Owning Organization
DXM-11H Fury Heavy
DXM-11H Fury Heavy In Action