
Arcadia is one of the five Core Worlds and the seat of the noble House Gallibrand. It is an ocean world located in the Galilei Arm.


A veritable paradise, Arcadia's pastoral topography is made up of rolling hills, majestic mountains, sprawling fields of tall crimson grass, and lush auburn forests. The planet's vast oceans create a weather system that is ideal for supporting life. There are two major continents surrounded by large oceans.


Land is the most precious resource on a planet as lush as Arcadia, and so House Gallibrand has regulated its ownership extensively. The nobles have come under much criticism for their methods of doing so, which include frequent deportations of "undesirables," - lower class, unskilled, unemployed persons who, according to the nobles, only contribute to the overpopulation of the planet and the depletion of the land's resources. Those deported are often forced to emigrate to Habitats as refugees. When a person will not go willingly, they are charged with sedition and sent to The Block.


One of Arcadia's main industries is tourism. The planets beautiful vistas, temperate weather, and sandy beaches attract visitors from the galaxy over. Though its tourism board promotes travel and advertisements are extremely pervasive in the Core Worlds and their satellites, it is hardly possible for the everyman of today's working class to make the oft-parodied dream of vacationing to Arcadia a reality. Thus, Arcadia's beaches are filled with upper crust elites and members of older generations where the wealth disparity between the middle and upper class wasn't quite as wide.
Alternative Name(s)
The Pastoral Planet
Location under
Owning Organization