
Fluxium is a highly valuable mineral which, in its refined form, is used as an energy source for Dextra and other craft. In its natural state, fluxium is smooth and opalescent. When processed, fluxium becomes a cohesive prismatic liquid which naturally beads together and sticks to itself when it flows.


Material Characteristics

Fluxium is smooth and unbrittle. Because of its hardness, highly specialized equipment is usually required to extract it. Dextra equipped with powerful mining lasers are used to carve it out of veins underground.   It is highly iridescent and refractive. When light is shone on it, colors seem to swirl in cloud formations like nebulae.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Fluxium is a room-temperature superconductor. It is unique in that it has no electrical resistivity except at extremely high temperatures.

Geology & Geography

Fluxium is typically found in veins 10-25 miles underground. The planet Castle-On-High is the primary source for the element, though it has been found in smaller deposits elsewhere. Castle On High's crust contains massive pockets of fluxium ore, which is what causes it to miraculously float above sea level. It is difficult and often dangerous to extract because of the instability it causes. When large amounts of fluxium are removed, the crust around it may come "unpinned" and fall to the planet's surface.
A chunk of unrefined fluxium ore.
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State
Related Locations
Related Technologies