Houston Rarefire

Houston Rarefire is the leader of the Rarefire Crew and captain of the Dog O' War. He is also a dog.   Houston is renowned for his skill as a Dextra pilot, and was known as the Crimson Blaze during the war. He pilots Saverge, a Dextra that has been specially modified by Grandma Suzuki so that a dog can operate it.   Though he formerly pledged his allegiance to the Alliance, he has disavowed his loyalty to them and now fights according to his own code. He was left with a scar in the shape of an X on his chest after an incident involving his former master, the details of which is is reticent to get into.  

The Rarefire Code

Houston founded the Rarefire Crew on a belief that pirates could still be honorable. He values freedom highly, but argues that if freedom is the ability to make your own choices, good character is defined first and foremost by making the choice to help others. This is the basis on which he derives his code. He believes that the freedom he has obtained both allows and obligates him to work outside the system to help correct the inequities within it.   The tenants of the code that have been revealed thus far include:  
  1. Never punch down: Only go after targets belonging to forces more powerful than you. Never attack civilians.
  2. Keep only what you need: Don’t be greedy. Excess goes to others in need.
  3. No one left behind: It’s the captain’s responsibility to ensure that everyone comes back safely.
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Owned Vehicles