Jerryd the Dread Marauder

Jerryd was a marauder captain who led the eponymous Jerryd Gang, known for terrorizing the Edge Colonies on the perimeter of The Ravages. Known as the Dread Marauder, his presence was enough to frighten away merchants and vessels that carried much-needed supplies to these distant outposts. His ship, the Oops-A-Daisy, was crewed by a number of his top men who pledged their undying loyalty to him.   After a successful space elevator heist to retrieve the goober containing Afaea from Shyre Poncie. Hermes and Weenix Plight were both captured by Jerryd and taken aboard the Oops-A-Daisy. He was after the same target, but his men failed to extract any information from Hermes before he and Afaea escaped together. Jerryd was then convinced to hand the still-captive Weenix over to the Alliance.   The crew encountered Jerryd again while escorting Penelope Penkenshrine to Grandma's House. During the intense battle that resulted, Jerryd was forced to activate his secret weapon and revealed that the Oops-A-Daisy could transform into a giant Dextra - Giga Jerryd. Just as it seems Giga Jerryd is about destroy Lyre, Lethe unleashes an attack of untold power - River Of Oblivion - and obliterates Giga Jerryd's head. The resulting blast also disintegrates Jerryd in the cockpit.
Year of Death
994 AC
Circumstances of Death
Disintegrated via River Of Oblivion