
Kohkytus is one of the five core worlds and the seat of House Karn. It is the only moon of the gas giant Bounty, a planet located in the Lacaille Arm. Before it was colonized, Kohkytus was covered in a thick, icy crust, below which lay a subsurface ocean. Terraforming efforts and increased greenhouse gasses have melted a significant portion of this crust, leaving most of the planet covered in large ice floes. The weather of the planet has also been significantly altered due to this, causing frequent furious snowstorms.   Cities are constructed partially underwater, and take advantage of the submerged geothermal vents to generate heat. The largest city, Yudeka, is built around an underwater volcano.
Alternative Name(s)
The Ice Floe Moon
Planetoid / Moon
Location under
Owning Organization