Shattered Maw

Shattered Maw is a religious sect founded in 988 AC by Archibald Duke. They are an offshoot of the Amalgamated Order of Allstarian Apostles, established by Isedore Grana in 790 AC. While the Amalgamated Order has absorbed many smaller sects into its folds, it rejects the teachings of Shattered Maw as extremism.   Allstarians believe that souls are destined to return to the stars and join a greater cosmic singularity. Shattered Maw takes this a step further; in particular, they believe that the world is ending and that they must prepare themselves for the "Golden Morn" when they will, per scripture, "rejoin [...] the glittering stars above."


The organization is split into five camps, one for every Core World. Each camp is led by a Marshal, a trusted steward appointed by the Grand Marshal himself. The Marshals alone are allowed to preach the Shattered Maw doctrine. They also assign jobs within their community and coordinate with the outside for resources and supplies. Marshals are the only member within the community to maintain contact with the outside world besides Greeters - who are basically glorified sentries.   Members of the camps are called sunwalkers. Within the camps there is no currency. Upon joining, sunwalkers agree to hand over any assets they own to the organization so that it can be used for the betterment of the community. Sunwalkers each perform a job within the community and work together for its betterment.


Shattered Maw attempts to recreate a more pure time, when settlers would live off the land, and they forswear themselves of most modern technology. However, the practice is rather specious as it is through the use of advanced technology - much of which is derived from Habitats - that they create an environment where they can fulfill this ideal.   Shattered Maw also abides by strict isolationism. With the exceptions of Greeters and Marshals, members are forbidden contact with the outside world. Children who grow up within the community are taught nothing of the outside until they turn 18. Then they are given a choice whether to leave or stay. If they choose to leave, they are forbidden from returning.   The organization has a number of customs outsiders might consider peculiar. In formal settings, sunwalkers wear white robes that glitter of gold - a reminder that they are destined to glitter among the stars themselves one day. During prayer, members will place the back of their right hand against their forehead and point with their thumb and forefinger towards the stars above.

Public Agenda

The Grand Marshal acts as the primary spokesperson for Shattered Maw. Archibald Duke communicates his message to a large audience via holovideos to a popular streaming platform. Due to the faulty algorithm of the streaming platform, his videos regularly receive millions of views, mostly from children trying to watch MimeDraft gameplay. He has, however, been able to attract a number of fundamentalists with his doomsday prophecies.

One day we will shine eternal, but first we must glow...

Home of the Gorgeous camp of Shattered Maw, one of several spread throughout the galaxy.
Founding Date
988 AC
Religious, Cult
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
The Protagonists encountered the Gorgeous camp of Shattered Maw while investigating the attempted assassination of Lord Hugo Undemyron. They gained entry into the black pyramid, Hecato, and were attacked by a panicked Damon Duke, who was killed in the ensuing struggle.