The Link

The Link is a universal theory passed down by the Kalidians hypothesizing an inextricable spiritual connection between all living things in the universe.   The theory posits that all individual souls are linked across time and space, and that the soul itself is a form of energy that cannot yet be perceived or measured with modern technology. Furthermore, this energy does not simply disappear when the life in the form it inhabits is extinguished, rather, it radiates outward into the universe. The Link is considered to be superstition, as there is no scientific evidence to support its existence.  


The earliest known references to the Link are found in ancient Kalidian scripture, where it is sometimes also referred to as "the Threads of Life," a "mesh" which "perpetuates through all reality." Even to Kalidians, it seems to be viewed mostly as abstract metaphysical theory with little or no basis in reality. Records of questionable validity hypothesize that some humans are evolving increased receptivity to the Link in the form of extrasensory perception and preternatural empathy even towards one's enemies.   In 922 AC, psychologist Corvus Rookplume conducted an investigation into the Link and some of the abilities associated with it. He and his team performed numerous experiments on Receptives - those who were thought to have a strong connection to the Link - in order to try to provide concrete evidence of the Link. The results he published from these experiments indicated that some of the participants may indeed have had a limited degree of clairvoyance and telepathy, and concluded that more extensive tests should be conducted - for which he would require increased funding. Rookplume's parapsychology experiments evoked criticism from his colleagues who challenged his evidence and the validity of his experiments - which psychologists have since tried, unsuccessfully, to repeat.  


Several religious groups have referenced The Link as a core part of their doctrines. The Amalgamated Order of Allstarian Apostles is the most prominent such group, having consolidated several smaller sects into its organizational structure. The Allstarians believe that souls are destined to return to the stars and join a greater cosmic singularity - apart from which we are incomplete, only parts of a whole.
The "All-Star," the principle symbol used to represent the Link.
Metaphysical, Astral