The Amalgamated Order of Allstarian Apostles

The Amalgamated Order of Allstarian Apostles is a religious organization built on belief in The Link. It was founded by Isedore Grana in 790 AC, when he helped to consolidate disparate sects into a single organization. As a core tenet, Allstarians believe that souls are destined to return to the stars and join a greater cosmic singularity - apart from which we are incomplete, only parts of a whole.   After the Calamity, various religious sects arose based on fragments of ancient Kalidian scriptures that were recovered on each of the Core Worlds. These sects were divided in their seemingly conflicting beliefs until the spread of Isedore Grana's Unification Theory. Grana made the argument that the teachings of each sect were not in conflict, but were part of a disjointed whole. He established the Allstarian Apostles and worked to bring the independent sects into its folds.   There are now millions of Allstarians, but they still only make up less than 5 percent of the galaxy's population. Most of the galaxy views traditional religion, such as that of the Allstarians, as superstition. Despite that, the organization itself has grown wealthy enough to own and operate their own Habitat, called Sanctum. This functions as their headquarters and the seat of their governing body, the Stella Vocare.
Allstarian Apostles Logo
Founding Date
790 AC
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories