Banishment of the Stoicheion (Elementals)

Celestial / Cosmic

~12500-11000 VA

And lo, after many milennia, it came to pass that the Bondservants betrayed the Elder Gods, banishing them from this world, and driving their believers into shadow...
— from the Valasian Book of Creation

After ages of elementals being able to come and go as they pleased, facilitated by the power of the worship of the (now) Valasian Empire, and witnessing the havoc the elementals create in this world, the Forces decide enough is enough.   The Forces appoint four generals, one from each of the sentient races, to lead the gathered armies from across the continent, to march on the Valay. The war is far from an immediate success, lasting for nearly a thousand years (fortunately the races, even Time's chosen humans, were pretty long-lived, assuming they didn't die in the violence).   Finally though, the peoples of Selestya are triumphant, and the four generals are made gods in their own right, and set to guard the four corners of the world:
  • Bahamut of the Dragons is set to guard the gate to Air, at Eurus, behind the East wind
  • Osianna of the Faerie is set to guard the gate to Water, at the Bottom of the Ocean
  • Yronstil of the Giants is made guardian of the gate to Earth at the Root of the Mountain
  • Thantros of the Humans is the guard of the gate to Fire in the Mountains of the Sun
  • Derwydd, son of Osianna, though not a god, becomes the guardian of the One Tree, Crann Bethadh, as it touches each of the elemental places as well.

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