Jisath (Jiz-ath)

Jisath enjoys a climate of perennial perfection, making it a haven for all seasons. Many of the world's oldest cities are nestled within Jisath, their ancient streets and buildings offering a glimpse into life before the advent of the kilns. The narrow land bridge, known as "The Pinch," between Jisath's two regions is a source of ongoing conflict, as the ever-expanding sands of Silika encroach upon what the Silikans fiercely claim as their own. Jisath, situated at the crossroads of numerous regions, is the ultimate destination for traders and merchants from all lands.

The People of Jisath


The people of Jisath are renowned for their rich storytelling, each citizen seemingly a repository of history and legend. With the oldest surviving cities in the world, Jisath's culture is steeped in the wisdom of ages. Jisathians are conversationalists, eager to share tales about themselves, their world, and the storied land of Jisath. They speak with a blunt honesty, lacking in social tact, but ensuring clarity in every interaction. This forthrightness makes Jisathians natural barterers, adept at negotiating deals that outsiders might find intimidating. Abroad, Jisathian traders are often viewed with suspicion, their shrewd bargaining skills mistaken for trickery.

Markets in Jisath

The markets of Jisath are vibrant hubs of activity, integral to the life of its great cities. As the central trading nexus, Jisath's markets boast goods from all corners of the world. From the radiant Estorian gems to the prized Ahlg kalves of Sudarn, every treasure imaginable can be found here. The markets, though bustling and lively, are not without their perils; pickpockets lurk in the shadows, and rival traders are often the greatest threat. Market life is a family affair in Jisath, with mothers tending stalls, fathers managing stock, and children scouting competition or drawing customers.


Jisath's landscape and climate are nothing short of idyllic, and the locals hold a deep reverence for their environment. While the city centers have historically faced issues with cleanliness, the regions themselves are pristine, reflecting the divine balance of nature. Jisath is a melting pot of faiths, where deities from all pantheons are venerated. The serene lakes and coastlines are under the dominion of Waek, and the harmonious cycles of day and night reflect the balance maintained by Klodd and Krothus. Known as the "God's Throne" to Yore's followers for this reason, Jisath's perfect status was ironically overshadowed by the discovery of the first kiln in Sudarn, a gift many believed would have manifested in this sacred land instead.


In the ancient capital of Horuna lies the seat of the world's longest-reigning monarchy. The Ghrimn dynasty of Jisath has held unbroken rule for over thirty-two generations, witnessing epochs long before the discovery of The Mother. The current sovereign, Queen Disirome, is celebrated as the "Trader Queen." Her revolutionary 1% daily duty fee has transformed the kingdom's markets, liberating traders from the burden of securing their own spaces. Queen Disirome's provision of tents through an application process ensures fair trading opportunities for native and exotic merchants alike. Her vigilant guards patrol the thoroughfares, and daily cleansing rituals protect against disease. Under her guidance, the markets of Jisath have flourished into bustling centers of commerce and festivity.


Building Materials

Jisath's western quarries yield a distinctive ochre-colored sandstone, prominently used in construction. This subdued stone contrasts beautifully with the vibrant woven fabrics made from the golden wool of the ganai, a distant cousin of the Ahlg. Glass crafted from the silken sands of the Silac Desert is tinted with dyes, creating windows that cast multicolored light across city streets during sunrise and sunset. Certain districts coordinate the colors of their glass for easy navigation. The native dinzu tree, with its rich yellow wood beneath silver bark, is highly prized for its durability and is used for posts and flooring.


Jisathian cities are divided into districts, with wealthier merchants residing near the royal quarters. Affluent foreign merchants often own homes in Jisath for their visits. Common folk live closer to the markets, in homes with external staircases leading to upper floors. Communal spaces are on the ground floor, while bedrooms occupy the upper levels, accessible via voice pipes for communication.


Temples in Jisath are grand and imposing, reflecting the divine significance of the region. Constructed from the same sandstone as houses, they feature extensive use of tinted glass, a homage to Darin's beauty of color. Temples have bells to mark the start of the market day, afternoon prayers, and the day's end, reminding merchants to give thanks to the deities. Inside, glass sculptures of the twelve deities, each in unique colors, are surrounded by cushions for kneeling and silent prayer. Temples serve as contemplative spaces rather than centers of preaching.



The annual tradition of Saleday sees merchants slashing prices to clear their stock, attracting shoppers from across the world. The city grinds to a halt under the weight of visitors, with caravans arriving days in advance. On the morning of Saleday, queues form outside tents long before opening. Shoppers wait in line for unknown treasures, driven by the tantalizing promise of discovery. Queen Disirome has increased guard patrols to reduce the chaos, resulting in fewer fights and deaths. After Saleday, residents help merchants clean up, often acquiring leftover stock for a pittance.
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