Avael's Tor Geographic Location in Setting for Rift War Campains | World Anvil
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Avael's Tor

A large island nation just off of one of the major trade routs in the Sea of Storms that was recently reclaimed from abandonment by an expedition headed by three powerful magi.   Aseras Bloodmoon is their leader. A elven woman touched so deeply by death magic that her very touch can slay. Naktar'de'tija, a young steel dragon scholar happily lent his friends his accumulated knowledge. Caras Shadowborn's shadowy spells and skill at negotiation allowed the trio to undertake their quest.   Slowly, with the aid of adventurers, friends and their own magic the reborn kingdom rose from the dust of memory. Some of these adventurers would even make the island realm their homes and help in bringing prosperity to Avael's Tor.   Mages Landing: Capital of the resettled Island and primary trade port of Aravel's Tor. Artificer's Castle: Home of Janna Yanngraeth, an Aventi Artificer estranged from her family. Former alcoholic, her relapses tend to result in strange but powerful magical items. Grey Towers: A young settlement of Grey Elves that is just starting to grow their own vineyards. Also home of a growing secondary arcane library and research facility. Earth's Clutch: Mining town run by a freshly formed Kobold tribe and primary resource trade hub for Aravel's Tor due to it's location. Jade Bowl: Farming town Rivers Coils: Small port and fishing village at the mouth of one of the rivers of Aravel's Tor.


A large island in the Sea of Storms. Effectively a reflection of the Island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea on Earth. Dominated by a central mountain and a ruined kingdom.

Natural Resources

Strong sea lanes between several kingdoms. Vineyards, pearl beds, good fishing, several good ore veins, and Industry.     Home of the Kenku owned Ship Yards for the recent Flying Ships.
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