Mage's Landing Settlement in Setting for Rift War Campains | World Anvil
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Mage's Landing

The first settlement and capital of Avael's Tor first created by the wizard Naktar'de'tija with spell and summons. A work in progress the small city is far from the most beautiful with most of it's building are spell shaped stone with very little embellishment. The residents of Mage's Landing are steadily changing this with additions of sculpture, wooden structures built atop the existing stone ones, and other such ways to personalize their homes.

Industry & Trade

A port city, Mage's Landing's primary industries are trade and fishing oriented.


Situated in a southerly facing bay on a smaller satellite island off of the primary Island of Avael's Tor. The rest of the small island is low rolling hills and rocky coast. to the north east of the main city is a ruined castle that harbors several secrets.

Natural Resources

Pearl beds, fishing grounds, and fields.
4000-5000 permanent residents
Location under
Characters in Location

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