Magnolia the Usurper Character in Seven Seals | World Anvil

Magnolia the Usurper

"My family's legacy is one of aggression and oppression, arrogance and vanity. And, to be honest, it bores me, all the betrayal and political maneuvers are witless and childish. I'd much rather prefer it all burn down."

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford

Empress of Planet Earth and Founder of House Ryūzaki, Magnolia Highmore Ryūzaki, 1st of Her Name,

Physical Description

Body Features

Call It Humility

From Esuko's right shoulder, across her chest, and ending at her leftmost hip-side, is a great scar. In her youth, when she first began work as a bounty hunter to support herself, she found herself in the middle of a political plot on a floating city on Venus. She was hired to protect a Lord President from rival hitmen and did a fine job until one hitman with superior skills came for her head.
His name was Jake Locke, one of the most dangerous men in the cosmos, and one who you did not want to find yourself on the opposite side of in a fight. He carried an arsenal of Majik and Weapons, he was far more experienced, and he was immortal to boot. Etsuko engaged Jake but the altercation ended in the death of the Lord President, and Jake nearly cut Etsuko in half, only saved by The Tempest.
Etsuko thinks of that day often, laying in a mess of her own organs and blood as her heart struggled to beat. It was a grizzly sight but it taught Etsuko a valuable lesson about life, no matter who you are, death is never more than one mistake away from reality. A lesson she carries with her to this day, as well as a score to settle with the Immortal.

Specialized Equipment

Katana of Choice

As the only daughter of Tajima Yagi, Etsuko was given her Clan's treasured heirloom, the Arashi-no-Tatchi katana, a powerful weapon imbued with Primordial Elemental power. The blade was passed down through the generations, containing a small piece of other Tajima samurai's Souls within. It conducted Etsuko's Majikal Energy exceptionally well and was a sign of her family's power and status. Unfortunately, or fortunately, Etsuko eventually destroyed the katana, freeing the Souls of its former users.
After Fives The Immortal returned from the City of the Dead, he gave Etsuko her father's Majikal katana, the Blade of Acts, which would always return to her side and manifested with her Soul. The sword was made for Yagi, who was larger than Etsuko and thus demands two hands to wield properly. 

Vanaheim Sorcery

"... here, Etsuko, take this ... it is sorcery from my homeland, Arts that not even your father knows ... commit them to memory and destroy the originals, they are our family's secrets ..."
Etsuko's mother, Usami, was Royalty from Vanaheim, a Realm that exists outside of Yggdrasil and is home to some of the most powerful sorcery to date. As a matter of fact, it is the birthplace and homeland of legendary mage and warrior Merlin. Those who leave Vanaheim with secrets of their craft have various seals and wards placed on their body and Soul to prevent loose lips.
However, Usami had eloped with a number of their arts and taught them to Etsuko, elevating her sorcery to heights rarely ever seen in her time. These spells demand the utmost UNDERSTANDING and RESOLVE, but once mastered and used correctly, they give Etsuko access to reality-warping Majik, unlike anything she has seen before.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Tajima Clan hail from and reside on Earth-Prime as the ruling power. They are known throughout the stars for being patroned by the primordial Elemental of Storms of Lighting: The Tempest. It has been bonded to the Tajima bloodline for so long that they possess abilities and spells in elemental Lighting that surpass any other. 
Etsuko was the last daughter of the Tajima lineage, sired by the honorable Yagi who was cut down by his traitorous brothers Osada and Fujita in a political ploy to gain control of the Clan. Etsuko would have been killed as well had she not fled from Earth, swearing to one day return to enact justice upon her uncles and their den of snakes.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

For a very long time, Etsuko was trapped like her father. Where Yago was ensnared by family obligations to tradition, Etsuko was ensnared by a family vendetta to avenge her father's death. She was consumed with this task for a very long part of her life, becoming intensely devoted to delivering her blade to her enemies, every job and action she made was in service to this agenda.   But, eventually, she let it go. In a way, her uncles had freed her from a life of commitment to something she genuinely didn't want, pretending to be someone else, just like her father.


Family Ties

  • Ryūzaki Yagi (Lord Father)
  • Lucille Highmore (Lady Mother)
  • Ryūzaki Ewart (Younger Brother)
  • Yād Sarkari (Lord Husband)
  • Ryūzaki Rāghilðir (Daughter)


Magnolia the Usurper

Wife (Vital)

Towards Yād the Unconquerable



Yād the Unconquerable

Husband (Vital)

Towards Magnolia the Usurper




Etsuko and Yad served together while in The Knights of Valor, getting married and having their daughter, Hikari, shortly before the Battle of Worlds end.

Circumstances of Death
Cut Down in Battle
Place of Death
World's End
She | Her
Bright Green - Blue
Short Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan / Cream
120 Lbs.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with
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