Ragnar the Conquering-King Character in Seven Seals | World Anvil

Ragnar the Conquering-King

The Conquering King and Legendary Warrior, Ragnar Lothbrok

Physical Description

Special abilities

The power to alter the forms/structure of matter/energy. Thor can alter or transform matter, energy, elements, objects, and beings (animals, aliens, mythical beings, etc.), etc into anything else, either completely or partially, permanently or temporarily, including himself. This action can be done without the aid of Magic, differentiating it from Magical Transmutation which has far more limitations. That being said, Thor can only turn something into some other thing that already exists.
  • The Berserker's Rage
The berserkers are the male counterpart of the Valkyries; brutal warriors who thirst for blind bloodshed without grace or finesse. They are blessed by Godwyn to make them extremely effective in war, and Ragnar was born with such a raw and primal blessing. When Ragnar gives in to the Berserker he loses all self-control and becomes more beast than man. He fights savagely for the sake of fighting, and his bloodlust never ends until all enemies have been utterly defeated.
  • Wisdom of Godhood
All Gods can massively boost their baseline powers and abilities in direct proportion to how many Mortals "worship" them. Godlings can do this too, if to a much smaller degree. Ragnar benefited greatly from this ability thanks to his renown as the Conquering King throughout Munsö.
  • Spoken Arts of the Eternal Skald
Skalds are beings trained in the Spoken Arts; the casting of potent Magic via words alone. Words can more easily shape and bend reality and Skalds can do this with ease. They also possess the ability the to perfectly recall any information they have ever received and are wise beyond their years. However, in exchange for this spoken magic, they can never speak normally again unless they are performing a Skaldic art, the symbol of the School of Skalds marks his tongue. Ragnar has a telepathic speaking aid who translates for him at all times.

Specialized Equipment

The Winds of Winter

Ragnar possessed a magical horn containing mist and frost from Niflheim, once blown, the horn could summon a magical blizzard which dramatically slowed down the passage of time within a given area. He used this horn over his vast kingdom to construct a great ice wall protecting them from invading forces but also to prolong the lives and events of all his subjects.  

Honored Regal Blade, Alexander the Great

Ragnar possess Alexander the Great, obtained after defeating it's previous Saint, St. Germain of End-Habor. The weapon is proof of his mastery over the sword and ability in the field. It is wielded by one of Ragnar's 12 Mantels.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Munsö was a realm under the control of King Sigurðr H'ring, Son of King Randvér, and his wife Queen Brunhild, Daughter of Eljena. The Queen had a company of Ladies-in-Waiting, of them was the lowly Alfhild Lothbrok, a Skáld of exceptional skill. Alfhild was a most faithful devotee of The Holy Order, and after a diplomatic excursion to Glaðsheimr, the City of the Æsir, she soon bore two Godling twins; Hrólfr and Ragnar Lothbrok, sons of Godwyn the All-Knowing.
The weakened Skald had her sons taken from her arms by her Queen and cut down by the King's Men. King Sigurðr had the boys trained in the inhospitable Realm Almáttigrbiǫð, where all Knights of Munsö must prove their worth. Hrólfr and Ragnar were godlings and excelled in the hostile environment, quickly becoming Lord Knights recognized by the House of Munsö. The boys would be used by King Sigurðr to embark on the Great Conquest of Munsö, where the Realm launched a massive military campaign to lay claim to surrounding key points of interest. Ragnar and Hrólfr were instrumental in this war and by its end, the Siege of Kattegat Run, 146+ Realms flew the flag of Munsö.
For his bravery and courage in battle, Hrólfr Lothbrok was given the hand of the Queen's younger sister in marriage, Gunhild. And for his unrivaled power and combat ability, Ragnar Lothbrok was wed to Princess Áslaug herself. On the wedding night of the Lothbrok brothers, Admiral Hrólfr seemed to enter a berserker's rage, snapping the neck of his young bride and seeking to do the same to the King and Queen. He cut through the King's Men until Ragnar intervened and was forced to kill his own kin. That night, Ragnar damn near drank himself to death but was visited by a vision from his Lord-Father Godwyn, who imparted the truth of his birth and the murder of his mother to him. Hrólfr had the same vision and, being the more emotional of the two, lashed out in blind anger seeking justice and vengeance.
This much is known, but what Ragnar did next is foggy. Munsö Historians claim Prince Ragnar confronted the King and Queen, challenging them both to trial by combat. After he won, he crowned himself King Ragnar and had Queen Brunhild murdered in the same fashion as his Lady Mother; justice served. However, Munsö Historians are more inclined to paint one of their greatest Kings in such a light and, admittingly, it does line up with more reliable accounts of Ragnar's personality. However, The Academy of Tarus Abid paint a different story; they claim Ragnar went straight to the royal apartments and murdered King Sigurðr where he slept. Afterward, he had his pleasure of Queen Brunhild before mutilating her face and banishing her from his Kingdom, his 1st decree as King Ragnar. This is more agreeable with accounts taken from battered Realm Knights recalling their interactions with Ragnar, but the Academy has an intrinsic bias; they have aligned with The Order of the Archdragon Knights who oppose the Holy Order. They also claim to have received the bastard Ragnar gave to Brunhild, but fail to produce it when pressed.



The Siege of Kattegat Run
Nearing the end of the Great Conquest of Munsö, General Ragnar was separated from his brother Admiral Hrólfr, who was attempting to break the blockade on Kattegat Run, the last stronghold of the Kattegatian Dynasty. The remaining bulk of their forces hunkered down for a long siege and the Munsö fleet was already pulled thin because of the Kattegatian guerilla tactics.
While his forces regrouped and planned their attack, Ragnar took serval of his Knights and ran a suicide gambit on a freighter to the primary battle station blockading Kattegat Run. After capturing a hangar within the station he used it to allow his brother's forces in and began to take the battlestation, disrupting the fleet and breaking the blockade.
General Ragnar pushed forward and broke ground on Kattegat Run with a small company of Mages, Knights, and Warriors with heavy firepower. They staged at a siege at the City of Suns in the desert and after they secured it he moved onto the Sunken Depth, the Fort Untouchable, and Newtown. All fell without significant casualties for Munsö.
Before Ragnar and his forces could sack the Last Bastion and end the Kattegatian Dynasty that opposed them so courageously, he was met by Prince Gärder, a godling who descended from Godrick the Blighted, Ragnar's cousin on their father's side. A cord was struck and they met each other in glorious battle. It lasted six days and on the seventh, King Sigurðr and Queen Brunhild landed on Kattegat Run to find the prince dead and the royal family nowhere to be found.
Ragnar claimed he had killed Gärder's wives and his children, a claim supported by his brother Admiral Hrólfr, who was not planet-side during the conflict. Sigurðr and Brunhild believe Ragnar spared the royal family per some arrangement they made. Regardless, the Kattegatian Dynasty was never heard from again and the Realm now belonged to the House of Munsö; thus concluding the Great Conquest of Munsö.

Family Ties

  • Sayfan Yedidyah (Father, 2nd of His Name)
  • Alfhild Lothbrok (Mother)
  • Hrólfr Lothbrok (Older Brother)
Ragnar and his brother Hrólfr were two godling sons bore by the maiden Alfhild and sired by Godwyn the All-Knowing. Alfhild served Queen Brunhild of the House of Munsö as a Lady-in-Waiting. However, after she bore the Holy God Sayfan two sons, she was killed and her sons were taken by King Sigurðr to mold into powerful warriors for his House.
  • Sigurðr H'ring (Father-In-Law)
  • Áslaug H'ring (Wife, 7th of Her Name)
  • Waltheof H'ring (Son, 1st of His Name)
  • Hálfdan H'ring (Son, 2nd of His Name)
  • Ubba H'ring (Son, 3rd of His Name)
  • Hvítserkr H'ring (Son, 4th of His Name)
  • Sigurðr H'ring II (Son, 5th of His Name)
  • Halfdan H'ring (Son, 6th of His Name)
  • Inwaer H'ring (Son, 7th of His Name)
Ragnar came to love King Sigurðr's daughter, Princess Áslaug and was wed to her with her mother's blessing. However, on his wedding night, his older brother Hrólfr went mad and tried to kill her and King Sigurðr. Ragnar could not reason with him and was forced to kill his own brother by blood. That night Godwyn came to his son Ragnar in a vision and showed him the truth of his life, the murder of his mother by King Sigurðr. He had shown this to Hrólfr who lost his senses and sought justice, forcing the unknowing Ragnar to kill him. The full weight of his actions destroyed Ragnar. He slew King Sigurðr and Queen Brunhild in their beds.
  • Lagertha (2nd Wife, 1st of Her Name)
  • Björn Lothbrok (Son, Branch Family)
Lagertha was a minor deity, a Golden Goddess of War who served Sif, Bearer of the Word Legendary. When Ragnar beds Lagertha and names her his second wife and not concubine he offended the Holy Order but was protected by Asgard, as he was one of the Allfather's favorite sons. Lagertha had one son by King Ragnar, Björn Lothbrok, a son blessed by the Allfather with ᚾᚢᛚᛚ ᚠᛁᚱᛖ (never be harmed or killed by any form of Fire or Heat) and ᛒᛟᛟᚾ ᛒᛚᛖᛊᛊ (newborn infants sprayed with water by Lord Godwyn will never be harmed by any weapon), earning him the name "Ironside".
  • Sigrid Järnefelt (3rd Wife, 5th of Her Name)
  • Fridleif Järnefelt (Son, 1st of His Name)
  • Yngvar Järnefelt (Son, 2nd of His Name)
  • Husto Järnefelt (Son, 3rd of His Name)
  • Erik Järnefelt (Son, 4th of His Name)
  • Agnar Järnefelt (Son, 5th of His Name)
  • Majken Järnefelt (Daughter, 6th of Her Name)
  • Rognvald Järnefelt II (Son, 7th of His Name)
Sigrid was a Knight of The Order of the Archdragon Knights and the 3rd wife of King Ragnar. Together they had six sons and one daughter, Ragnar's only daughter in recorded history.

Religious Views

The Holy Order is Ragnar's faith, he has had serval magnificent Godswood Monasteries constructed within his vast kingdom and a mighty Godswood grows from the center of his Realm Munsö. Of the Holy Gods, it is no surprise he favors the Æsir; given his own lineage. Temples to influential Æsir Gods such as THOR, Godwyn, Sif, and Heimdall are frequently scattered throughout his lands.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Safa & Idis
Ragnar saved two Dire-Wulf pups in his youth; Safa and Idis. Both are intelligent creatures who love their master. They are Æsirian Livestock, creatures from Asgard who are abnormal in size and immune to all mortal ailments.

Wealth & Financial state

Ragnar has an immense wealth to his name as king of Munsö and all it's Realms and terrorteries who pay tribute to him and his lineage.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Conquering King
  • Lord Paramount of House Munsö
  • King of Munsö Realm
  • Son of Allfather Sayfan
  • Saint of the Holy Order
  • The Skaldic Warrior King
  • Sword Saint of Alexander the Great

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with https://www.midjourney.com/home/
— tab]https://www.midjourney.com/home/but is not free.