The Good Duke Leo of Cameliard Character in Seven Seals | World Anvil

The Good Duke Leo of Cameliard

The Duke of Cameliard & Hand of Avalon, Leodegrance Cameliardes I, 1st of His Name



The Siege of Cameliard & the Jötunar Warrior Ritho

When the Great War in Heaven was launched, many forces attempted to lay claim to Cameliard, one among them who breached the barriers was the Warrior Chieftain Ritho, leading an impressive Jötunar force. Duke Leodegrance petitioned the Le Fay Dynasty for aid but Avalon too was facing dangers from an Angelic bombardment, leaving him on his own. The good Duke rallied his sons Leodric, Deograth, and Arianrod, to his side along with his nephews Sir Guiomar and Sir Sinados. They led an offensive-defensive force on Ritho's forces, only managing to slow them down at Old Camelstead, claiming the lives of Crowned Heir Leodric, as well as the daughters of Lady Oldcastle.
A second army of invaders manifested at the barriers of Leomont, Rhysford, and Armoth. Leodegrance buried Leodric and dispatched Deograth and Arianrod to defend Leomont, his Lady Wife, Duchess Arianrhod, and his daughters Deogwen and Leodine, led another counteroffensive in Rhysford and the Knights Guiomar and Sinados sent to Armoth, leaving the Duke and his Knights alone in Old Camelstead. It was the Realm closest to the capital, Cameliard, and if it fell, the Kingdom of Cameliard would fall too. Ritho had enough military power to push on the capital, but he was a man of The Hunt, he enjoyed the chase more than the kill and came to enjoy himself watching the demise of a once-great Lord. Ritho had 10 titanic sons as his generals, Rithan, Rithus, Rithon, Rithar, Ritham, Rithen, Rithel, Rithor, Rithio, and Rithas. And Leodegrance faced five of them, with their warrior compliment, alone with only his most trusted Knights, in a Realm that had already suffered an immense siege.
Duke Leodegrance was prepared to face DEATH that day, but his cries for aid were answered by King Arthur Pendragon, the 5th Lord of Camelot, King Ban of Benwick, Lord Bors of Benwick, and Merlin, arriving with Arthur's Round Table, the Penguard, and an impressive Navy force to boot. They landed in Old Camelstead and pushed Ritho's forces back, with Arthur himself cutting down three of the giant's titanic sons, Rithan, Rithon, and Ritham. Arthur wanted to secure Old Camelstead and the rest of the Kingdom before pursuing Ritho, but Leodegrance would not wait to avenge his son. He pursued the fleeing Jötunar and laid low two more of his sons, Rithas and Rithio, before coming to Ritho himself. The Jötunar bore 10 arms and 3 heads, he commanded the Winds of Winter which slowed down even time and wielded a blade made from the bones of Demigods he had slain. Needless to say, Ritho was a monster in every meaning of the word and fought like one.
Among the sea of mangled corpses and pools of alien blood, what could be vaguely identified as Leodegrance Cameliardes was found, confirmed only by his dental records. Six of Ritho's arms and two of his heads were found near the site, but Ritho was MIA, much to Arthur's ire and Duchess Arianrhod's dismay. The corpses of Rithel, Rithus, and Rithor were all found at the previous three secondary siege points, leaving only Generals Rithar and Rithen unaccounted for. Arthur and his Round Table secured the Kingdom of Cameliard and Deograth was named the New Duke of the Kingdom, although with a noticeable lack of celebration.

Contacts & Relations

  • Mus'ab el-Rad (Brother-In-Law)
  • Lyonesse el-Rad (Niece)
  • Lynette el-Rad (Niece)
  • Guiomar el-Rad (Nephew)
  • Sinados el-Rad (Nephew)
Lord Mus'ab el-Rad, House Cameliardes Master of Spies
Mus'ab el-Rad is an educated man with an interesting origin by lordly standards. He was born in a Blood Realm, Realms controlled by the Nosferatu to foster Mortals as cattle to feed from. His people were long since stripped of their intelligence and sovereignty, living as livestock instead of people from years of genetic manipulation. However, Mus'ab was different, when he was born he was spared by a young Lordling who wanted one of the Wildings as they were called as a pet. Mus'ab lived as such by young Lord Malfus, having his intelligence and sovereignty restored to make for a more engaging plaything. However, after a few years, Lord Malfus, as children are oft to do, grew bored of his toy and moved on, leaving Mus'ab behind. Would that he was a fool, he might have been mentally impaired and returned to the blood realm with the rest of the cattle, but Mus'ab had actually learned in his years of enslavement to Malfus. He outwitted his captors and escaped on a hazardous waste removal star-ship.
The man was not blessed with great power or wealth or a prestigious name to wield, but he had his wits and his intelligence. Mus'ab used his wits to gain an apprenticeship with a banker for a United Imperial Bank (UIB), eventually groomed to take his Masters place in the Bank until it was absorbed into The United Stellar Commonwealth, where Mas'ub made the move to The Department of Internal Economic Welfare, established himself in the trade of information as a Spy Master. Before long he stepped on too many toes and the Department of Intelligence & Security hounded him from the Commonwealth. From here he used his connections and networks of spies and informants to secure a place in the court of Lady Elisenda, a vassal of House Montez under House Cameliardes. Mus'ab came to befriend a young Duke Leodegrance and was valued for his intelligence and connections that made him both a valuable ally and a dangerous enemy. The young Duke made Mus'ab a regal lord and appointed him as the official Master of Spies for House Cameliardes
Mus'ab was wed to Duchess Geneviève by order of Duke Leodegrance, creating the el-Rad branch of the Cameliardes Bloodline. Mus'ab gat his Lady Wife Geneviève with four children, two lovely daughters and two strong sons.

Family Ties

  • Geneviève Cameliardes (Younger Sister, 2nd of Her Name)
  • Arianrhod Fordeau (Lady Wife)
  • Leodric Cameliardes (Son & Heir, 1st of His Name)
  • Deograth Cameliardes (Son, 2nd of His Name)
  • Guinevere Cameliardes (Daughter, 3rd of Her Name)
  • Gwinevere Cameliardes (Daughter, 4th of Her Name)
  • Leodine Cameliardes (Daughter, 5th of Her Name)
  • Arianrod Cameliardes (Son, 6th of His Name)
  • Deogwen Cameliardes (Daughter, 7th of Her Name)
Lady Arianrhod of House Fordeau hails from the Rhysford Realm and submits to House Cameliardes. When Leodegrance came of age to take a wife, all of the Great Houses came to put forward a potential consort, but it was the daughter of Lord Rhothar who would be chosen in the end. Arianrhod and Leodegrance were wed and sired 7 beautiful children together, two of whom would be wed into the Pendragon lineage.

Wealth & Financial state

The Kingdom of Cameliard refers to a collection of Realms that bend the knee to the Cameliardes Royal Lineage. There are 12 Major Realms, not counting Cameliard itself, that make up the bulk of this vast Kingdom, they are; 
  1. Carhaix (House Carhais)
  2. Aneblayse (House Blayson)
  3. Old Camelstead (House Oldcastle)
  4. Lirion (House Lirondelle)
  5. New Marcton (House Newmarc)
  6. Armoth (House Mothean)
  7. Grand Camerath (House Camerathian)
  8. Granchester (House Chesterfield)
  9. Avonford (House Riversford)
  10. Leomont (House Montez)
  11. Pendalton (House Pendlebury)
  12. Rhysford (House Fordeau)
The Big 12 regal Realms all have lesser Realms and Vassals under them, and all pay tribute to Cameliard, thus to Duke Leodegrance himself, making him one of the richest men in Avalon, even after paying tribute to his Liege Lord, the Le Fay Dynasty.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Duke of Cameliard
  • The Hand of Avalon
Circumstances of Death
Slaughtered by Chieftain Ritho during the Siege of Cameliard
Dark Blue
Rich Golden Curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cream / White
300 Lbs.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with
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