THOR Character in Seven Seals | World Anvil


Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford

The Holy God of War and Courage, Thor Jödvald

Physical Description

Special abilities

The power to alter the forms/structure of matter/energy. Thor can alter or transform matter, energy, elements, objects, and beings (animals, aliens, mythical beings, etc.), etc into anything else, either completely or partially, permanently or temporarily, including himself. This action can be done without the aid of Magic, differentiating it from Magical Transmutation which has far more limitations. That being said, Thor can only turn something into some other thing that already exists.
  • The Berserker's Rage
The berserkers are the male counterpart of the Valkyries; brutal warriors who thirst for blind bloodshed without grace or finesse. They are blessed by Godwyn to make them extremely effective in war, and Thor was born with such a raw and primal blessing curse. When Thor gives in to the Berserker he loses all self-control and becomes more beast than man. He fights savagely for the sake of fighting, and his bloodlust never ends until all enemies have been utterly defeated. Thor can sense, channel, shape, create and manipulate the weather, i.e. the meteorological patterns, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog, and temperature changes. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena or control the intensity of the weather in highly concentrated or vastly extended areas.

Specialized Equipment


A Tool to Build With. A Weapon to Kill With. The Choice is Yours, Make the Man you Wish to Become.
Mjölnir is a legendary weapon forged by Eitri and Brokkr, given as a gift from Flóki. The hammer was cast from Mythryl, an impossible ore that cannot be found by Mortals. The ore is incredibly dense and heavier than a black hole but has queer aspects that not only conduct Magical energy but amplify and multiply it exponentially. This is considered a queer aspect as the ore also nullifies magical energy. The handle is cast from branches of Yggdrasil, forged in the fires of Muspelheim, Embrace of the Cosmic Flame and cooled in the frost of Niflheim, Land of Ice & Mist. Within its very, it houses a perplexing raging cosmic storm, Rymr the Thundering, with lighting bolts faster than the Light of Alfheim.
However, for all its violent purposes, there are equally peaceful ones as well. Mjölnir's handle was made from a branch of Yggdrasil found in High Garden, tended to by Aund MISJUN herself, capable of healing any mortal ailment. Mjölnir's head, cast from the Mythryl ore, brings about Magic to Realms where Magic has died or lost its power. Its flame of Muspelheim restores life to dead suns and its breath of Niflheim cools stars about to go supernova. Rymr the Thundering can all forth catastrophic storms, yes, but its rains heal the wounded and broken and work to repair the earth, its winds bring about new seasons and its lighting and thunder cleanse the atmosphere of pollution and toxins; terraforming entire realms
Mjölnir is a tool or weapon. It can be used to create or it can be used to destroy. To end or to begin. And like any weapon or tool, this choice depends on its master. Flóki gave the hammer to Thor when he was still leading the Berserkers when all he knew how to do was destroy because he never thought Thor could use it for more than that; an insult to a raging monster. Thor has an enchantment upon the hammer, forbidding anyone who does not understand the true purpose of Mjölnir from wielding it. For he can give first-hand assessments as to what it can do in the hands of a beast.

  • Megingjörð, the Belt of Power
Megingjörð is a belt that can be used to double the physical attributes of its user, boosting Thor's already impressive physical abilities twofold.
  • Járngreipr, the Gauntlets of Otherworldlyness
Legendary golden gauntlets worn by Thor, the Járngreipr were cast from Something, the leftover embers from creation. This allows Járngreipr to interact with metaphysical concepts and beings such as space and time, life and death, and love and hate. Thor once used them to punch a hole through time and to "fold" the space between himself and an enemy.
  • Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr, the Mighty Goats of War
Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr are two enormous goats who pull a massive starship for Thor, they can summon the Bifröst and move freely throughout the Realms. The goats themselves are immortal and tended to by the ship's servants, Þjálfi and Röskva, prizes of war Thor won long ago.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Godling Godwyn the All-Knowing, born as Sayfan of House Paramount Yedidyah, came to lay with Aund MISJUN, Bearer of the Word REBIRTH, of the Seven Part Name, one of the 7 Holy Celestials Avatars of Order, disguised as a humble Jötunar huntress Fjörgyn the Vast. From Sayfan's union with mother earth, the Godling who would be named Thor was born.



The Conquering of Þrúðheimr

In his youth, Thor made the Realm Þrúðheimr, the World of strength, his home. It was a world within Asgard that was prone to violent thunderstorms that could last 20 to 30 years long. Originally Thor could often be found here partying in his great hall Bilskirnir to no end but once he began his long Hunts with his wife Járnsaxa, he often used it to store his hoard of treasure, including but not limited to stolen planets, dying stars, priceless riches, slaves, and anything else of value his defeated enemies paid to him in tribute or he stole after their death.
A small civilization began to form in this stormy realm; the Strongmen people. They were made up of slaves Thor had received (or taken) on his hunts and other Asgardians who found their way to Þrúðheimr either by chance or by circumstance. Regardless, Thor was their God and Lord-King, and he demanded they protect his Realm and his treasure. With each new hunt, the Strongmen added it to his treasure halls. And they began to fill up, Thor demanded they simply "make room". And thus they did.
After every raid and Hunt, more treasure and goods, and slaves were sent to Thor's Realm, and with each conquest, the Strongmen grew in size and expanded their Lord's great hall Bilskirnir. In no time, the original hall now had been expanded to contain over 540 additional structures. After many ages, new imports stopped, and Thor banished himself to the Emerald Maze. The Strongmen thought themselves without a Lord but, unfortunately, Thor's sons Magni and Móði laid claim to Þrúðheimr and all that was their's father's.
Magni the Lighting, and Móði the Thunder ruled Þrúðheimr in their father's absences. They grew fat from his riches and lived like lavish kings, at the expense of the Strongmen. A bastard of King Magni, Minði, would throw herself before the Aesir god Týr the Just, and beg him to deliver her Realm from the tyrant kings. Normally, the Aesir are forbidden from interfering with the affairs of each other to such an extent by the Allfather, but Tyr reasoned that Magni nor Móði were ever actually named King.
After Lord Tyr roused the tyrants from the Realm, a great civil war consumed it as various parties battled with each other to claim control of the world. This was known as the Great Storm Wars and only ended when King Thor finally returned from his exile. Although a changed God, he was a God no less, and King of Þrúðheimr. His rule would not be disputed by his own Mortals. He made examples of his betrayers and had all his riches returned to his great hall.
After the Allfather arranged for Thor to be married to Sif, Bearer of the Word Legendary from the Golden Pantheon, he placed one of his bastards, Øybiorn Ospaksson, in command as a regent on his behalf.

Family Ties

  • Sayfan Yedidyah (Lord Father, 2nd of His Name)
  • MISJUN (Divine Mother)
  • Járnsaxa Bomársdottir (Past-Lover)
  • Magni Thorson (1st Born Son)
  • Móði Thorson (2nd Born Son)
Járnsaxa was a Jötunar warrior who matched Thor's blind bloodlust and thirst for battle, she roamed the Realms with The Hunt, going from one great hunt to the next, seeking endless challenges and worthy foes. While together they had two twin sons, Magni and Móði Thorson. Both were aspects of their father in different ways, Magni was a league faster than his father and Móði was a ton stronger. Both lusted after their father's legacy, to one day wield Mjölnir.
  • Sif Hadjitzis (Lady-Wife)
  • Ullr Sifsson (Stepson)
  • Thrúd Hadjitzis (Daughter, 1st of Her Name)
After Thor went into his self-imposed exilement to the Emerald Maze to gain control of himself, he returned to Ásgard, Enclosure of the Æsir a charged God, more man than beast. The Allfather had the reformed God married to a Goddess from the Golden Pantheon, Fair Lady Sif. From their union, they had one daughter, Thrúd Hadjitzis. Unlike her brothers, she was sired by a whole and complete Thor, without flaws, and worthy of Mjölnir.
  • Serizawa Wayoko (Concubine)
  • Serizawa Ryunosuke (Bastard)
  • Serizawa Kijuro (Bastard)
  • Serizawa Rie (Bastard)
While stranded in the Emerald Maze during his exile, Thor renounced violence and was enslaved in a gladiatorial war pit. He escaped with another slave, Wayoko, and later had three children together, Ryunosuke, Kijuro, and Rie. His peace was short lived when they were all killed on account of his pacifity. 
  • Ryena, Ryrud, and Rytir (Offspring)
The Valkyries of Storms-End are three Empyreans created by Thor in his hour of need, once when he was brought to death's door during the Great War in Heaven. Ryena, Ryrud, and Rytir are legendary warriors and fearsome adversaries, should Thor ever be killed they whisk his SOUL back to his body, outpacing their brother Magni by serval leagues. They are Thor's most loyal and obedient children to date.


Sif, Bearer of the Word Legendary


Towards THOR




Towards Sif, Bearer of the Word Legendary


Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Son of Godwyn
  • Lord Thunder
  • God of War
  • The On-Coming Storm
He | Him
Stormy Blue
Long Red Curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White / Cream
210 Lbs.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with
— tab] is not free.

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