Seven seals The Dragon's Head Timeline Timeline

The Dragon's Head Timeline

  • 3413

    20 Pluth

    12 Junith

    The Second of the Empyrean Wars & the Fall of Dragon-King Níðhöggr
    Military: War

    Hasadiah and her husband Solomon wage war with Níðhöggr, the First Name of God. They amass a massive military body, The Heavenly Host, and march for Dragonstone. Through her magic and research into Yggdrasil, Queen Hasadiah has used the energies of ISHIN to craft sentient beings of her own; she dubs them Angels and produces them in bulk to complement King Solomon's Knights and Warriors.   Níðhöggr, the First Name of God would be joined not only by his forces, including his 12 Legendary Sons, the Divine Dragons, the Dragons of Olde, the Wyverns, and the Hýdras. He would receive aid from King Uther Pendragon, the 1st Dragon Lord and his Knights of Camelot, who were sympathetic to the Dragons who were crucial in helping them establish their dominance.   The Dragon-Fell War lasted 300 Cycles; in the end, Hasadiah was victorious. She had faced and bested all 12 of his monstrous sons and gravely wounded the 1st Name of God. Although Uther and his Knights made off with many of the surviving Dragons, Hasadiah could easily destroy them later with little trouble. Her victory was now complete.

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  • 3731

    1 Junith

    Th First Holy Dragon War
    Military: War

    When Her Grace, Hasadiah, the Second Name of God, claimed her place upon the wreckage of Dragonstone, she sought to bring the Dragon Knights of Camelot into submission. They had made off with the remaining Dragons after she defeated Níðhöggr, the First Name of God and she could not allow this insult to stand. She placed her son, Godfrey the Golden in command of a large Angelic force to pierce Britania and bring King Uther Pendragon, the 1st Dragon Lord to his knees.

    King Uther was under no impression that Hasadiah would not attack, and made preparations as soon as he could. This would be the ideal time to strike his people so soon after the war, a move Hasadiah could afford with her vast resources, and something she likely believed Uther could not with his comparably smaller resources. Uther went to the Kingdom of Avalon, and pettetioned Ygraine the Witch-Queen, current Mother Superior of the Le Fay Dynasty to lend him aid. Her people were masters of Magic and knew Witchcraft from the Witches of Vanaheim.
    The First Holy Dragon War never reached Britania, stopping short at the Teopheogar Realm. Uther battled with GODFREY himself and held his own against the Holy Demigod, much to the Lord's surprise. His greatest surprise was when Queen Ygraine used a powerful spell to Banish him from the Realms of Uther, forevermore, repelling his large and impressive force. The war was concluded with the wedding of Uther and Ygraine to unite their Houses.

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  • 5724

    19 Tanith

    3 Tanith

    The Second Holy Dragon War
    Military: War

    In times long past, the 1st Hallowed Lord Solomon, King of Kings, launched a fierce and sudden assault on the Camelot Kingdom, quickly penetrating the defenses and making his way to Teopheogar. Uther, a valiant warrior, faced Biserorth, the last of the great Dragons of Olde and the heir of Nidhoggr, in battle. Solomon, renowned for his formidable army composed of Angels, Holy Knights, and Davidic Knights, made it clear that he would not depart without Uther's complete surrender.

    Uther quickly gathered his forces, including the Nine Daughters of Ygraine from a prior marriage, his sons Madoc, Clarine, and Arthur, his loyal brothers Aurelianus, Constantine IV, and Moigne Ambrosius, and his famed Round Table, to mount an emergency response formation. Despite their bravery and strength, Uther's Dragon Knights, Penguard, and troops from Avalon were still vastly outnumbered at a ratio of 10 to 1 compared to Solomon's host, which was amply supplied and supported.
    For 35 years, Solomon maintained his word, relentlessly besieging both Camelot and Avalon without showing signs of relenting. Nevertheless, he eventually agreed to a treaty with the Dragon Knights that favored the Holy Order, permitting them to retain all the Realms they had annexed from Camelot and Avalon with impunity. Both sides agreed to no longer engage each other directly, leaving Uther puzzled as to why a man so determined to win would abruptly concede. Nevertheless, he was grateful for the respite from unceasing warfare and death.

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  • 1003730

    2 Munth

    The Betryal & Death of King Eliwlod Pendragon
    Life, Death

    King Eliwlod, Son of Madoc, Blood of Uther, carried a heavy sin, one of betrayal. Eliwlod had plotted with the Temple of Khaos, with the traitor Judas, to secretly orchestrate the death of Hasadiah, the Second Name of God, believing in the following war the Dragon Knights could squash both the Temple and the Holy Order. However, he was deceived by Judas of The Apostles of Iscariot. Eliwlod underestimated the defilement of Khaos and did not consider the consequences of killing the Name of God, and what that would mean for Yggdrasil in a power vacuum. The Temple of Khaos planned to steal the 7 Seals as well, a fact King Eliwlod was unaware of. When he learned of his mistake, it was too late, and Hasadiah was defiled by The Almighty. The natural flow or Order was disrupted.

    Eliwlod was shamed beyond reason, bringing about one of the greatest wars in recorded history, all for his own glory. He stripped himself of all royal titles and embarked alone with only his Dragon in search of Judas, to slay the deceiver and redeem what little of his name he could. However, this too failed, another product of the man's short-sightedness. He rushed into a fight with Judas who as, admittingly wounded from escaping Astajan, The Highest of Heavens, but strong enough to summon Daemon King Guildirchurix. The foul beast slew noble Eliwlod and defiled his SOUL, turning him and his Dragon into the Khaos Apostle that would come to be known as the Disgraced One.

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