Asgardian Pantheon

There are two races of Asgardian gods, the Aesir and the Vanir. While the Aesir are part of the creation myth described above, little is known about the Vanir.
  The Aesir are clearly gods of war and destiny, while the Vanir appear as gods of fertility and prosperity. The two races fought a lengthy war until both sides tired of it. Neither believed it could win. To ensure peace, the races traded hostages. The Vanir sent Njord and his children Frey and Freya. The Aesir sent Honir, a big man they said was best fit to rule, and Mimir, the wisest of the Aesir. The Vanir became suspicious of Honir, believing him to be less fit than the Aesir claimed and noticing his answers were less authoritative when Mimir wasn’t present to advise him. When they realized they had been cheated the Vanir cut off Mimir’s head and sent it back to the Aesir. Apparently, the Aesir considered this fair repayment for cheating the Vanir, because the two sides stayed at peace. Odin placed Mimir’s head in the well beneath Yggdrasil’s root in Midgard, making it a source of great wisdom. Over time, all the Vanir deities integrated with the Aesir.        

Religious, Pantheon


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