
The Boryokudan is a mixed race Yakuza led by an elf called Ako that apes Yakuza customs and traditions without really understanding the honor or principles behind it. Their name, “Violent Ones Association,” reads more like a motto, and in a very real sense it is. You can only become a member by killing someone in cold blood. Killing is part of how they rank themselves. Each kill earns a tattoo, which they refer to as blood tattoos. In traditional Yakuza fashion, they seek to get full “suits” of these tattoos.
In Yokohama, the Boryokudan is known for excessively violent crimes, especially kidnappings and hold-ups. The Neo-Tokyo police and corporate security forces have lost over a dozen officers in attempts to infiltrate and break up the group, but to no avail. The Boryokudan believe they are an organized crime syndicate that has a right to control the protection operations in Yokohama. Many think the group is engaged on a terror campaign in an effort to embarrass and weaken the Kodachi Gumi.
Or maybe they just like to kill. I’d maintain a low profile around these guys. I’ve only had one run in with them, and once the fighting started they wouldn’t back off until I’d put all three of them down for good.
— Janus
Parent Organization


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