Yomi Ryu

A metahuman Yakuza largely made up of orcs and trolls living in Sub-Tokyo, the Yomi Ryu was formed by metas who attempted to join the Yakuza but were denied, purportedly on racial grounds. Many of them are the Goblinized children or grandchildren of Yakuza members, though a few of the higher-ups are said to have been Yakuza kobun themselves before they changed. The Yakuza have left them alone mainly because the group was beneath their notice, but the Yomi Ryu have begun to attract attention from both the Kawaru-gumi and Maasaki Watada. Whether the Yomi Ryu will survive this interest remains to be seen.
Unless my guess is off, this group could have aspirations of becoming their own syndicate. They already control the protection money down below and now they’ve been cutting a niche for themselves in the Sub-Tokyo smuggling industry.
— Kia
Members of the Yomi Ryu have been receiving combat training from the Oni-Do which is helping them hold their own against the Yakuza.
— Mihoshi Oni
Does this information come from personal experience? Are you taking shots at your own kind, or are you training them?
— Ma’fan
I’m a businesswoman, Ma’fan. I go where the nuyen takes me.
— Mihoshi Oni
Parent Organization


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