
In the dynamic world of Neo-Tokyo, Ishibara is a prominent figure in the shadowrunning community, offering high-stakes jobs that could skyrocket a runner's wealth and prestige. With deep connections in corporate circles, Ishibara can make or break careers, providing opportunities unmatched in the shadow world. However, working for him is a double-edged sword; his reach into the underworld means that failure or disrespect can lead to severe consequences, potentially erasing someone from existence. This balance of immense reward against grave risk highlights the complexities of working with Ishibara. He embodies the ultimate risk-reward scenario in shadowrunning, where success can lead to unparalleled heights, but failure brings dire repercussions. Aligning with Ishibara requires a mix of skill, respect, and caution, making him a pivotal yet dangerous ally in the quest for success and survival in the shadowrunning elite.
StreetName: Ishibara
Name: Unknown
Metatype: Elf
Potential Jobs: AAA Japancorp like Renraku Computer Systems, Mitsuhama Computer Technology and Shiawase Corporation, and some AA Japancorp
Connection Rating: 9+


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