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Horatio DelGado

Mr Horatio Francis DelGado (a.k.a. El Pozolero)

Written by: Tahoma

  A corpse with only tengental connections to the subject of this data-cache wouldn't usually be worth a mention, let-alone an article. But blood and water relations to several players in the game of Raleigh necessitate a little write-up. Horatio DelGado, briefly known as 'El Pozolero' for his involvement in a nasty corpse-disposal operation, was an underboss of the now long-dead Los Decas cartel, who made a select few short but heavy waves in his time living in the Raleigh area before his alleged death by retaliatory cartel-hitmen. I'm not gonna bore you with details on how I got this info, but I'll tell you that some people were happy to spill what they know about Horatio just from being told the guy was dead.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Horatio's physical condition was pretty typical of a middle-aged hispanic male, save numerous scars common in cartel enforcers, and possibly a recent cremation too.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Much of Horatio's upbring is so stereotypical of a Cartel enforcer that I'd forgive you for being skeptical of the whole thing. Absent mother, abusive cartel-member father who he inherited his future career from, whether he wanted it or not. As you'd expect with an old-school cartel kid, Horatio claimed his territory and authority by way of being more of a violent psychopath than his peers. Money apparently flows quickly when you're the only man in the area willing to dissolve bodies in a vat of industrial-grade acid, as Horatio's living-standards eclipsed his old family's by tenfold shortly after he embraced his new hobby.  
Not only was DelGado able to earn enough to be flush in cash, he was savvy enough in his finances to remain flush in cash for a long time.
— Anonymous poster
  I can't personally figure if there's some weird connection between a day-job utterly devoid of morals and decency, and bringing up relatively stable children who know nothing of what their papa does for a living, but Horatio would be a pretty valid case-study if such a connection exists: When his firstborn was delivered and promptly abandoned with him by a woman only identified as 'Iri' by recovered this-and-that, Horatio showed himself to be a decent and caring parent, doting on his only child from the moment he laid eyes on her.  
Until I saw those photos, I never even considered the concept of a doll-house with fully functioning plumbling...
— Anonymous poster
  In spite of Los Decas' dislike of anything not male and human, Horatio went out of his way to lovingly mould his child into a capable heir, showing her the ins and outs of surviving in a cruel world and even going so far as to risk inviting a relative working in Lone Star law-enforcement to give her a professional rundown on using guns. These lessons would end up prophetic, as Los Decas' imminent absorbtion and destruction under Aztlan and Aztechnology made infighting inevitable in the upcoming years.   Horatio knew his days were numbered. A man as monumentally screwed-up as Horatio had made many enemies, even in his own cartel, and only the threat of retaliation by even worse people in the cartel stood in the way of those enemies getting well-earned vengeance, a threat that wouldn't exist for much longer. Cashing in every favor he had, Horatio took his daughter and a boatload of his saving assets across the northern border into the CAS, grabbing a modest property on the outskirts of the city and hoping to quietly outlive his enemies under a new name. A bloody handprint was on his new front door after less than a year of living there, making him feel pretty stupid for thinking it'd blow over.   The one silver lining of Horatio's situation was that he didn't just move to Raleigh because it was far away from Los Decas territory: It was following the trails of another group of former Los Decas, a group of former wives and daughters of the cartel led by an old lady Horatio knew simply as Madame.   Madame hated the guy down to his very soul, and he knew and accepted it it. But he also knew that Madame had a soft-spot for the young girls of the cartel, and he threw himself at the old lady's feet with one request: take his daughter, and keep her safe from people who wanted him dead and would see his daughter as a means to hurt him more. Know I don't know what Horatio offered in return, nor what Madame would've demanded on top of it, but a deal was struck. Horatio left the territory of the group that would become The Pack, and returned home to face destiny.   It's a safe bet to say Horatio was killed in the ensuing gun-battle and housefire that consumed half the neighborhood. At least eight people were killed, that's for sure, but all except two were scorched beyond recognition and had injuries that rendered dental-record comparisons unlikely to be of help. Considering that the true identity of 'El Pozolero was known only to a select few people, most dead, it's my opinion that it's best not to ask questions at this point.


None known.


Cartel Enforcer

Accomplishments & Achievements

I use the term 'definition' loosely, but the sheer planning and execution that went into Horatio earning his namesake of El Pozolero, 'The Stewmaker', is as impressive as it is terrifying. A hundred and twenty-five bodies in a single weekend...

Mental Trauma

None distinguishable from pre-existing conditions

Morality & Philosophy

The simple explanation of Horatio's morals is 'no.'

Personality Characteristics


Your guess is as good as mine, but the simple answer of power is the one I'm gonna bank on.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

There was no doubt that Horatio had all the skills needed to be a model cartel-enforcer: He could shoot well, beat people twice his size to a pulp, and knew exactly what do say to get under a guy's skin. On top of all of that, he also knew his stuff about chemistry and how it related to making bodies vanish.


Horatio DelGado

Late Father (Vital)

Towards Ripshot




Daughter (Important)

Towards Horatio DelGado




Believe me, attempts were made to interview Reina DelGado about her relationship with her father, but to no avail. If you think you can do better getting a drugged-up cartel enforcer to open up about familial relationships, I won't stop you.

Chaotic Evil
2026 2069 43 years old
Tenochtitlan, Aztlan
Current Residence
Black, shaven
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
225 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Spanish, English


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