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Ms. Reina DelGado (a.k.a. Ripshot, Whiskey)

Written by: Null Kit

  Of the myriad enforcers that our mutual benefactor the Barkeep has employed, Ripshot far and away exemplifies the archetypal street-samurai: A heavily augmented combat and infiltration-specialist operating under a code of honor only she could hope to understand.  
What a love-letter...
— Anonymous poster
  Ripshot is the current provider of overwhelming physical violence within The Cabinet , a 'loaner' invested in the group by a local ghost-cartel known as The Pack. Equally competant with both long and short-ranged firearms, as well as hand-to-hand combat and physical infiltration, Ripshot eschews some of the normal streetsam reliance on cyber/bioware reflex enhancements in favor of military grade combat-stimulants, making for a much more powerful combatant in exchange for a reduction in optimal running-time and reliability.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ripshot's general physical condition is one typical of mambers of the Pack, at over six feet of artificially enchanced muscle and ballistic skin-weave, with a handful of cybernetic components thrown in for flavor. Procured medical records show over twenty-eight seperate treated gunshot wounds, fifty-one lacerations and over a hundred fractured or broken bones, along with aproximately 29 grams of various bullets jingling somewhere in there.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born under an upper-middle class household to an as-of-yet unknown Ork mother, Reina's upbringing appears to be that of an almost stereotypical mafia-princess, treated to all the finer things in life by her father Horatio DelGado, notorious underboss for the Los Decas ghost-cartel.  
Photos of Reina's Quinceanera are available as paydata, reply for offers.
— Anonymous poster
  Ultimately, this security would prove only temporary as the stability of the Los Decas was fatally shaken by Aztechnology's growing dominance over south-america, with many leaving in splinter-factions and some outright looking for some retribution in the chaos. Fearing for his daughter's life, Horatio called in favors from one of afformented splinter factions, The Pack , to take in her daughter as a cartel-initiate before things got worse.  
The exact nature of the favor owed is still a mystery, something even Reina herself won't fess up on. Anybody have any ideas?
— Cr4nk
Get your own deathwish, chummer.
— Anonymous poster
  Almost prophetically, the very night Reina left for The Pack's territory, the DelGado estate was besieged by a former subordinate of Horatio, looking to get even for various past disrespects. The exact fate of everyone is still in the air, with the only certain thing being that the entire house was burnt down and multiple bodies were found inside, charred beyond hope of identification. This unfortunately did little to soften Reina's initiation into the pack, whose hazing rituals are infamous even among ghost-cartels.   Despite her cushy upbringing however, Horatio didn't fail to forsee the possibility of Reina having to fend for herself, and so she was prepared in all the ways a cartel underboss could provide, from shooting tin cans in the back of their property to calling in favors with bioware clinics to toughen her body up for any foreseeable danger.  
"Any foreseeable danger" undersells it. I have it on good authority that Ripshot's genetic makeup has been treated and optimised for long-term stimulant use. Either Madame really invested into her new asset or Horatio really thought things through.
— Vulcan Gravy
  Reina started at the bottom of the pecking order, but quickly rose to a level of respectability through a quaint combination of consistantly bringing profit to the cartel and consitantly caving in the skulls of anyone who stood in her away, paying the way for further augmentation and a reliable stream of military-grade combat drugs that would augment her already fearsome combat abilities. Serving as a primary enforcer for the Cartel's shadowy don, Reina was eventually borrowed 'on loan' to a local fixer by the name of Barkeep to aide in his shadowrunning, being given the callsign Whiskey in the process.


Reina's education had a formidable pedigree, until its unexpected interruption, with paper-trails linking her to at least two private-schools in the NC area. Expectedly, such trails stop completely following her initiation into the Pack.


Officially, she remains an enforcer for The Pack ghost-cartel but currently works for The Cabinet as a shadowrunner.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Whilst some would argue that simply surviving the Pack's initiation-rites are sufficient as an achievement, Reina takes it a step further in her suggested "refinements" to the hellish hazing, going so far as to demonstrate the brutal new ideas on herself and a pair of unlucky initiates. The trids are easily available, but I wouldn't recommend watching on a full stomach.

Personality Characteristics


Ripshot's motivations appear to be suitably hedonistic in nature, investing money into perfecting her killing arts so that she can afford to live in blood-soaked luxury.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Ripshot's primary asset is her shocking aptitude at physical combat and infiltration, having procured training from both experienced cartel-assassins and at least one distant relative with professional corpsec training, courtesy of Lone Star. Analysis of combat-footage shows consistantly high levels of accuracy and target-acquisition speed with firearms, a decidedly one-sided win/loss ratio of hand-to-hand engagements and a high capability of moving with surprising speed and silence for one as robustly-built as her. Naturally however, the upbringing that brought about these skills have done nothing to augment Ripshot's skills in social and academic circles, which are agreed upon by the rest of the cabinet to be wanting.
Girl's even more of a fucking terror when she doses on kamikaze. Sure, all semblance of subtlety flies out the window along with twenty or so shells from her oversized autoshotty, but it's still worse for the guys on the other side...
— Saint Ain't
My shotty's name is Lucille, and you'll show her respect!
— Ripshot

Likes & Dislikes

On initial meetings I expected Ripshot's interests to be closely entertwined with her day-job, a gun-enthusiast or martial arts fan, possibly even one of those recreational-drug cultists. To my surprise, Ripshot's passion outside of work is in food of all things. Not the cheap stuff either, I'm talking gourmet tastes. Not a single clue how she knows what food from a place with dress-codes tastes like, mind you.



Boss (Important)

Towards Ripshot




Subordinate (Vital)

Towards Madame



Horatio DelGado

Late Father (Vital)

Towards Ripshot




Daughter (Important)

Towards Horatio DelGado




Believe me, attempts were made to interview Reina DelGado about her relationship with her father, but to no avail. If you think you can do better getting a drugged-up cartel enforcer to open up about familial relationships, I won't stop you.


Uncle (Important)

Towards Ripshot




Neice (Important)

Towards SoCo




Despite the bad blood between Ripshot's family and SoCo's, they remain on the expected familial terms of uncle and neice.

Neutral Evil
Year of Birth
2054 26 Years old
Previously brown, now replaced with violet-shaded prosthetics.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, with a slight green tinge from Orthoskin treatments
220 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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