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Modern History of Raleigh

A brief archive of notable events that occured in Raleigh since the Awakening

  • 2011

    The Awakening
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The so-called 'Year of Chaos', accepted as the high point of the return of magic and the begining of the Sixth World

  • 2029

    14 /6 15:00

    Mayor Schroeder's Assassination
    Life, Death

    Mayor Alex Schroader is attacked by a Troll Shaman and a summoned spirit in the midst of a speech condemning ecoterrorism, leading to her death from severe burns and cardiac-arrest. As this was one of the first and most public assassinations committed via magic, many reactionary were drafted to restrict the rights of awakened people, which were eventually repealed in the following decades but not before instigating a great deal of controversy and marginalisation of awakened individuals.

  • 2034

    10 /11

    The CAS is founded
    Political event

    Numerous American states, including the state of North Carolina, seceded from the UCAS and founded the Confederacy of American States, an autonomous federal republic.

  • 2036

    14 /6

    Forestville Renovations Begin
    Construction beginning/end

    Jonathan Brightday and a cabal of financiers, backed by numerous megacorporations, begin the monumental task of constructing the center of a new sprawl in nearby Forestville.

  • 2039

    27 /4

    Privatization of Public Security
    Political event

    Following its swift neutralization of an ongoing gang-war, Lone Star Security Services are contracted to handle matters of public security and the existing police-force are assimilated into its corporate structure

  • 2046

    21 /6

    HeyZeuss Shopping-Archology Opens
    Financial Event

    HeyZeuss, a multinational construction firm, announces the grand opening of its 'one of a kind' shopping mall and archology, where employees eat, sleep and live above the stores they operate.

  • 2052

    29 /2

    17 /3

    The Downtown Elevated Plaza Begins Construction
    Construction beginning/end

    Shih Yaochuan's proposal to alleviate congestion and limitation of horizontal expansion by constructing an elevated thoroughfare above the current one in Raleigh's city-center.

  • 2054

    12 /4

    Founding of Dragoon Tactical Investments

    Gabriel Hampton registers his security consultion company in the Raleigh records of commerce, officiating its founding and paving the way to become Raleigh's most popular private security proviider.

  • 2055

    30 /4

    HeyZeuss Shopping-Archology Closes
    Financial Event

    The HeyZeuss shopping-arcology closes officially after years of financial trouble, soon to be purchased by Amarok Pro-Hunting.

  • 2061

    Forestville is Abandoned

    After several years of stagnation and delapidation following a mysterious and complete loss in funding and construction, the Forestville sprawl is abandoned by Raleigh after residents repel an attempt by Raleigh's emergency services to put out a chemical fire in the center of Forestville's unfinished arcology. From hereon, Forestville is considered a Z-zone and referred to as the Concrete Forest.

    More reading
    The Concrete Forest
  • 2064

    2 /11

    Crash 2.0
    Disaster / Destruction

    A cataclysmic failure of the Matrix from its foundations upwards shakes the world and Raleigh to its core. Third-party reports claim at least six-thousand deaths in the greater Raleigh area as a direct or indirect result of the catastrophic malfunction of electronic devices caused by the crash.

  • 2069

    4 /1 11:00

    5 /1 00:00

    The Great Horse Dance
    Military action

    A go-gang known as The Horse Dancers storms multiple streets in northeast Raleigh in a simulaneous raid on multiple retail-outlets. Despite voluminous exchanges of gunfire, only two Lone-Star officers and six Horse Dancers were killed, with only a single bystander getting seriously injured.

    More reading
    The Great Horse Dance
  • 2069

    22 /2

    Marvin Spencer's New Heart
    Scientific achievement

    After years of painstaking research and development, local philanthropist Marvin Spencer undergoes a succesful transplant that replaces his heart with a fully functional prosthetic, paving the way for further advancements in mechanical replacement-organs.

  • 2069

    17 /3 13:00

    The Elevated Plaza is Opened
    Construction beginning/end

    Mayor Francis Mcdowell officially opens Raleigh's elevated thoroughfare, christening it the Downtown Elevated Plaza in its official ribbon-cutting ceremony.

  • 2071

    The Teocalli Is Constructed
    Construction beginning/end

    In spite of protests of popular opinion, Aztechnology completes the construction of its new Teocalli arcology, facilitating a large influx of corporate-citizens into Raleigh.

  • 2073

    19 /1 22:00

    Universal Omnitech Bombing
    Disaster / Destruction

    A Shadowrun turned double-cross led to the detonation of a large package of industrial grade explosives at the Universal Omnitech School of Medicine, killing nine bystanders and wounding dozens more. Numerous anti-terror laws would be written into local legislations following this incident.

  • 2074

    13 /1

    The EvoMAH Arcology Opens
    Construction beginning/end

    After years of troubled construction, Evo announces the official opening of the Evo Metahuman-Architectural Haven, a self-sustaining Arcology, hospital and biotech research facility.

  • 2075

    3 /11

    Kelley Achieves Sovereignty
    Political event

    After decades of legal battles and following popular opinion, Raleigh's city-council concedes to President Elijah Kelley's claims of independance and sovereignty for his estate-turned micronation, the Unitary State of Kelley and grants it limited extraterritoriality.

  • 2076

    12 /1

    The Oak City Local-Grid opens

    After several months of construction and preperation, Raleigh City-Council announces the founding of the Oak City Local-Grid network, incentivising investment by local businesses and forwarding the city's technological infrastructure.

  • 2076

    1 /4

    20 /3

    Carter-Finley Stadium sponsored renovations begin
    Construction beginning/end

    In the aftermatch of a botched Shadowrun leading to a vehicular wreck-fest, arms-manufacturer Krime sponsors and funds the renovation of the Carter-Finley Stadium, expanding its grounds to allow for full-contact motorsports to be held out of football-season. The stadium is renamed to the KRIME Universal Stadium, and Rigger demolition-derbies become a bi-annual occurance.

  • 2078

    26 /2

    The Hell-Rain
    Disaster / Destruction

    An attempt by Raleigh City-Council and SK-subsidiary Bouygues to covertly begin demolishing skyscrapers in the Conrete Forest ended in disaster when an improperly-collapsing floor led to canisters of a dangerous chemical-compound falling into the barrens below, exposing multiple workers and an unknown number of SINless to the resultant highly corrosive gasses.

  • 2078

    32 /7

    Airport Renovations Finish
    Construction beginning/end

    The Raleigh–Durham International Airport finishes its complete overhaul of renovations and reconstructions by Saeder-Krupp Heavy Industries, including a cutting-edge lorentz launch-rail, and is renamed the Saeder-Krupp Globaler Luftraumhafen.