
Wanderers of the Open Road

The drifter is an individual who embraces a nomadic lifestyle, traversing the vast expanses of the world with no fixed abode or permanent ties. They are the embodiment of freedom, choosing to roam from place to place, exploring diverse landscapes, and seeking experiences beyond the constraints of conventional life.
Prerequisites: None

First Term:

Armed Martial Arts 1 (Club)
Observation 2
Unarmed Martial Arts 1
Stalking 1
Streetwise 5

Subsequent Terms:

Animal Empathy (if Empathy 1+)
Armed Martial Arts (Club)
Guard/Hunting Beasts
Slug Weapons (Pistol)
Vehicle Use (Motorcycle or Wheeled)

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term: Business, Criminal, Government, or Law Enforcement. On aID10 roll of 10, the contact is foreign.
Resource Points: None
Influence Type: Civilian
Other Effects: Two secondary activities are allowed per term.
Special: Character gets a 2 resource point cost reduction when adding the Abandoned Building Ops Center Location

Special Adventure:

--Know when to Run--
On a 1D10 roll of 4+
Foreboding (if Empathy 1+)

Impact and Significance:

  The drifter embodies the spirit of adventure, wanderlust, and a yearning for freedom that resonates with many individuals. Their lifestyle challenges societal norms, emphasizing the value of experiences and personal growth over material possessions and stability. The drifter's story inspires others to embrace spontaneity, explore the unknown, and break free from the confines of a predictable life.
  Drifters also symbolize the harmony between humans and nature, as their nomadic lifestyle often leads them to remote and untouched landscapes. Their stories remind us of the beauty and vastness of the world, encouraging an appreciation for the diverse cultures, people, and environments that exist beyond our everyday horizons.

Key Characteristics:

  • Nomadic Lifestyle: The drifter rejects the stability and routines of a settled existence, instead embracing a life of constant movement. They have no fixed residence and thrive on the adventure and uncertainty that comes with wandering the open road.
  • Self-Reliance and Resourcefulness: Drifters develop self-reliance and resourcefulness, adapting to changing environments and relying on their skills to navigate challenges. They possess a keen survival instinct, making do with limited resources and finding inventive ways to sustain themselves on their journeys.
  • Embracing Solitude: The drifter often embraces solitude as a means of self-discovery and introspection. They find solace in their own company, using the quiet moments on the road to reflect, observe the world around them, and gain a deeper understanding of themselves.
  • Love for Exploration: Drifters possess an insatiable curiosity and a deep love for exploration. They are drawn to the unknown, seeking out hidden gems, uncharted territories, and unique cultural experiences. Their travels take them off the beaten path, enabling them to witness the world's wonders from a distinct perspective.
  • Freedom and Independence: The drifter cherishes their freedom and independence above all else. They relish the absence of commitments and responsibilities, valuing the flexibility to make choices on a whim and pursue their own desires. The open road provides a sense of liberation and the opportunity to create their own path.
  • Transient Connections: While drifters may form connections with fellow travelers or locals during their journeys, their relationships tend to be transient. They value the fleeting connections and the shared experiences that come with meeting individuals from different backgrounds and cultures, but they rarely establish long-lasting bonds.


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