Military Academy

Forging Leaders in Service and Discipline

A military academy is an esteemed educational institution that prepares individuals for careers in the military. It offers a unique educational experience combining academic learning, physical training, leadership development, and military instruction. Military academies cultivate disciplined individuals with a strong sense of duty, integrity, and leadership skills.
Prerequisites: Strength 5+, Education 6+
Skills: Total skills equal to the character’s education attribute from any combination of the following, but no more than level 3 in any one skill In addition the character receives all of the first term skills from whichever service the academy serves.
Contacts: Two Military. On a 1D10 roll of 10 this contact is foreign.
Other Effects: No secondary activities are allowed while attending military academy. Characters receive an automatic commission into the career served by the academy, Army, Air Force, or Marines at the rank of 2nd lieutenant-Navy as ensign. Character must serve at least one term in the career served by the academy. Since the character has already received the First Term skills for this career during the academy, the first real term in the career receives skills chosen from the subsequent Terms section equal in number to the skill levels of the first term skill package.  

Impact and Importance:

  Military academies produce leaders who serve their countries with distinction. Graduates of military academies go on to serve in various branches of the military, taking on roles as officers, commanders, and decision-makers. They play vital roles in defending national security, upholding military values, and leading teams in times of peace and conflict.
    The impact of military academies extends beyond the military sphere. Graduates often bring their leadership skills, discipline, and commitment to service to other sectors, such as public service, government, business, and non-profit organizations. They embody the principles of teamwork, integrity, and leadership that are invaluable in a wide range of professional settings.
    Military academies contribute to the development of individuals who possess strong character, resilience, and leadership abilities. They foster a sense of duty, instill discipline, and cultivate a commitment to lifelong learning and continuous improvement. Graduates become role models, mentors, and leaders in their communities, making positive contributions to society at large.

Key Characteristics:

  • Comprehensive Education: Military academies provide a well-rounded education that combines academic coursework with military training. Students engage in a range of subjects, including mathematics, science, humanities, social sciences, and leadership studies. The curriculum fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication skills.
  • Military Training and Discipline: Military academies emphasize physical fitness, discipline, and military skills. Students undergo rigorous physical training, drill exercises, and develop proficiency in military tactics, protocols, and procedures. They learn about military history, national security, and the values of honor, integrity, and service.
  • Leadership Development: Military academies aim to develop effective leaders. Through leadership courses, mentorship programs, and practical experiences, students learn to lead teams, make decisions under pressure, and inspire others. They develop skills in strategic planning, organizational management, and ethical decision-making.
  • Character Development: Military academies prioritize character development, instilling values such as integrity, responsibility, and self-discipline. Students learn to embody qualities of honor, respect, and teamwork, fostering a strong sense of camaraderie and esprit de corps. They develop a deep commitment to serving their country and upholding the ideals of the military profession.
  • Physical and Mental Resilience: Military academies cultivate physical and mental resilience in students. Through physical training, obstacle courses, and endurance exercises, students build strength, stamina, and perseverance. They develop the ability to overcome challenges, adapt to adversity, and maintain mental focus in demanding situations.
  • Professionalism and Service Ethic: Military academies instill professionalism and a strong service ethic in students. They learn to prioritize the needs of their team and the mission, exhibiting professionalism, integrity, and selflessness. Students understand the significance of their role in defending their country and protecting the welfare of others.


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