Project Emotion

Attribute: Empathy
The Project Emotion skill allows a character to use an empathic link to instill emotions in other creatures. In order to use this skill, first an empathic link must be established, using either Animal Empathy for animals, or Human Empathy  for humans. As with Empathic Healing, the success level of the contact established serves as a limiter for the quality of emotion projection. Note that if the target's Willpower rating causes the attempt to fail (lowering the power level to 0), the target will feel the emotion but will recognize it as originating from outside themselves.
  Basic success with this skill means the target must make an Routine: Intelligence test to avoid acting the emotion out (running or cowering if frightened, arguing or fighting if angry, etc.). Each stage of success beyond basic increases the difficulty of the target's Intelligence save by one level.


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