
PREREQUISITE: Mind's Eye Profession
Psychotons and psychotronics are applied psi engineering. Access to a Third Order psychotron requires a Standard Difficulty Admin/Legal (Edu) check. Getting a Second Order psychotron imposes a single step penalty to the check; securing a rare First Order psychotron suffers a three step penalty, if available at all. If in the same town or city, the device is delivered or dropped off in an hour. Delivery within the same country is 24 hours (or less if the Referee feels it could arrive more quickly). Delivery to another country imposes a single step penalty to the check, and the delivery time is D6 x 2(6) days. Damaged, destroyed, lost, or absconded devices result in a visit by internal security personnel and a temporary loss of access to this Pulling String (or permanent loss if a First Order psychotron was involved).


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