Starguard ARD Pilot

Guardians of Aerospace Recovery and National Security

The Project Starguard ARD (Aerospace Recovery Division) Pilot is an elite aviator at the forefront of advanced aerial reconnaissance, aerospace recovery, and national security operations. As part of Project Starguard, these pilots are entrusted with the operation of cutting-edge aircraft and technology, focusing on the recovery and protection of aerospace assets critical to national defense.
Prerequisites: Previously US Air Force - Pilot or Entry gained through Special Adventure Roles

First Term:

Navigation 2
Observation 2
Pilot 4 (Fixed-wing or Rotary)
Stealth 2
Pulling Strings: ARD Transport

Subsequent Terms:

Energy Weapons (Energy Pistol or Energy Rifle)
Pilot (Fixed-wing or Rotary)
Pulling Strings: One of the Following: Aircraft Support, Alien Technology or Specialized Aircraft

All Terms:

Contacts: Two Per term: Military On a 1D10 roll of 7+, the contact is foreign.
Resource Points: 2 per Term
Influence Type: Military

Special Assignment:

On a 1D10 roll of 6+
--Flew a functional [REDACTED]--
Computer Empathy (if Empathy 1+)
Foreboding (if Empathy 1+)

Impact and Importance:

  ARD Pilots protect and recover valuable aerospace assets, preventing them from falling into the wrong hands or becoming exploited for hostile purposes.
  By ensuring the swift recovery of downed aerospace technology, ARD Pilots contribute to the readiness and preparedness of the nation's defense forces.
  The aerial reconnaissance conducted by ARD Pilots provides vital intelligence, enabling proactive defense measures and enhancing the nation's overall security posture.
  The recovery of aerospace assets and technology contributes to scientific advancements and technological innovations, bolstering national research and development efforts.
  ARD Pilots demonstrate exceptional skills in executing covert and sensitive operations, preserving the confidentiality and effectiveness of Project Starguard's activities.
  Project Starguard ARD Pilots exemplify courage, precision, and unwavering dedication to protecting national aerospace assets. Their expertise in aerospace recovery, advanced reconnaissance, and national defense significantly contributes to securing the nation's interests and upholding its sovereignty in the face of aerospace challenges and unknown threats.

Key Characteristics:

  • Aerospace Asset Recovery: ARD Pilots are experts in the recovery and retrieval of aerospace assets, including crashed aircraft, satellites, and unmanned vehicles. They execute precise and high-stakes recovery missions, ensuring that valuable technology and sensitive information do not fall into the wrong hands.
  • Advanced Aerial Reconnaissance: Pilots employ state-of-the-art aircraft with advanced reconnaissance capabilities. They conduct aerial surveys, collect intelligence, and monitor airspace to identify potential threats and safeguard national security.
  • Swift Response and Adaptability: ARD Pilots are known for their swift response to critical situations. They must be highly adaptable, capable of assessing and adjusting their strategies in real-time to address emerging threats and challenges.
  • Aerospace Security Expertise: These pilots are well-versed in aerospace security protocols, ensuring that sensitive aerospace assets remain protected at all times. They collaborate closely with intelligence agencies and aerospace engineers to fortify defense measures.
  • High-Stakes Recovery Missions: ARD Pilots are frequently tasked with high-stakes recovery missions involving classified technology or aerospace equipment. Their skills and resourcefulness are essential to the success of these operations.
  • Operational Versatility: Beyond aerospace recovery, ARD Pilots may be assigned to various missions, including reconnaissance flights, intelligence gathering, and support for other divisions within Project Starguard.


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