US Air Force - Pilot

Masters of the Skies

The United States Air Force Pilot profession represents the epitome of aviation excellence and leadership within the military. Air Force pilots are highly skilled, extensively trained, and entrusted with the responsibility of flying advanced aircraft in a variety of mission profiles. They are the masters of the skies, embodying the spirit of precision, courage, and unwavering dedication.
Prerequisites: Agility 6+ and OCS, Military Academy, or commission.

Basic Training:

The character receives the following skills as a part of his basic training:
Slug Weapons (cascade: Slug Pistol, Slug Rifle) 1
Swimming 1
Unarmed Martial Arts 1
Thrown Weapon 1

First Term:

Navigation 2
Pilot 4 (Fixed-winf or Rotary)
Pulling Strings: Funding (1 Rank), Aircraft Support, Base Clearance

Subsequent Terms:

Pilot [(Fixed-wing or Rotary)
Slug Weapons (cascade: Slug Pistol, Slug Rifle)
Pulling Strings: Funding (1 Rank) and One of the Following: Funding (1 Rank) Military Training Facility, Dangerous Toxins, Dangerous Virus or DARPA Labs, NGA Support, NMID Support, Mobility, Satellite Surveillance: Communications, Satellite Surveillance: Intelligence

All Terms:

Contacts: Two Per term: Military On a 1D10 roll of 7+, the contact is foreign.
Resource Points: 2 per Term
Influence Type: Military  

Impact and Importance:

  Air Force pilots maintain air superiority by conducting air-to-air combat missions, ensuring control of the skies and safeguarding friendly forces. Their expertise and combat skills enable them to engage and neutralize aerial threats effectively.
  Pilots provide precision strikes and close air support to ground forces, delivering accurate and timely firepower against enemy targets. Their ability to engage with precision and minimize collateral damage greatly enhances the success of ground operations.
  Pilots conduct aerial reconnaissance and surveillance missions, gathering critical intelligence and providing situational awareness to commanders. Their eyes in the sky contribute to effective decision-making and force protection.
  Pilots support airlift and rapid deployment operations, transporting personnel, equipment, and supplies to global locations. Their ability to rapidly deploy forces and sustain operations is vital for global mobility and expeditionary capabilities.
  United States Air Force pilots exemplify the highest standards of aviation excellence, professionalism, and valor. Through their unparalleled skills, leadership, and unwavering commitment, they ensure air dominance, project power, and defend the nation's interests in the skies.

Key Characteristics:

  • Exceptional Flight Skills: Air Force pilots possess exceptional flight skills, honed through rigorous training and experience. They are proficient in operating various types of aircraft, including fighters, bombers, transport planes, and reconnaissance platforms, adapting seamlessly to the demands of each mission.
  • Calmness under Pressure: Pilots exhibit a remarkable ability to remain calm and focused under high-stress situations. They make split-second decisions, manage complex systems, and operate aircraft with precision, ensuring mission success even in the most challenging and dynamic environments.
  • Adaptability and Quick Thinking: Pilots are renowned for their adaptability and quick thinking. They can rapidly assess situations, adjust flight plans, and respond to unforeseen circumstances, maximizing mission effectiveness and ensuring the safety of their crew and aircraft.
  • Leadership and Teamwork: Pilots are natural leaders who inspire and lead their crews with confidence and expertise. They foster a spirit of teamwork, effectively communicating with their crew members, mission planners, and ground support personnel to achieve objectives seamlessly.
  • Discipline and Professionalism: Pilots embody discipline and professionalism in every aspect of their work. They adhere to strict safety protocols, follow established procedures, and maintain the highest standards of personal and operational integrity.
  • Continuous Training and Learning: Pilots engage in continuous training and learning, staying current with the latest aviation technologies, tactics, and procedures. They undergo regular proficiency evaluations and participate in advanced training programs to enhance their skills and maintain readiness.


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